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Ambrym Long-Term Background Volcanic Hazards Map

Ambrym, Vanuatu, 2016

Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazards Department. (2016). Ambrym Long-Term Background Volcanic Hazards Map. Government of Vanuatu, Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazards Department, Vanuatu National Disaster Risk Management Office, New Zealand Foreign Affairs & Trade Aid Programme, GNS Science, The Vanuatu Red Cross Society, Croix Rouge Francaise, USAID.

This map was produced by an official agency, but may not be the most recent, most complete, or main operational map. For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.

Click on image for full-size map. If link seems broken, try the archived version.

Map Set

Vanuatu Geohazards Observatory. (2016). Ambrym Long-Term Background Volcanic Hazards Map. Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazards Department, Vanuatu National Disaster Management Office, New Zealand Foreign Affairs & Trade Aid Programme, GNS Science, The Vanuatu Red Cross Society, Croix Rouge Francaise, USAID.

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Map Data

Map ID1159
Hazard Process(es)Ballistics; Gas; Lahars; Lava flows; PDCs; Tephra fall; Vent-opening hazards
Hazard Zone PresentationGrouped by process (e.g. flowage/fall hazards) on a main map and series of insets
Temporal ScaleBackground, or long-term, map
Spatial ScaleIsland
Publication FormatMap sheet or poster
Zonation Method(s)Geologic history
Zonation Model(s)
Scenario(s) ConsideredHypothetical location; Size, VEI, or intensity; Style or type; Worst-case
Hazard Zone Label(s)Hazard process name; Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low)
Probability Definition(s)Qualitative relative probability (e.g. high-medium-low); Scenarios imply probability
PurposeMultiple: intended for multiple purposes including general hazard awareness, planning, and crisis management
AudienceGeneral public and/or media
Basemap overlay(s)Street map
DiemsionalityPlanimetric (2D or map) view
Color SchemeRed to Yellow
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