Concentration extent hazard map at FL050
Jan Mayen, Norway, 2022
Figure 10 in: Titos, M., Martínez Montesinos, B., Barsotti, S., Sandri, L., Folch, A., Mingari, L., Macedonio, G. & Costa, A. (2022). Long-term hazard assessment of explosive eruptions at Jan Mayen (Norway) and implications for air traffic in the North Atlantic. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(1), 139-163.
This map was produced by an official agency, but may not be the most recent, most complete, or main operational map.
For the current operational hazard map, please consult the proper institutional authorities.
Click on image for full-size map. If link seems broken, try the archived version.
Titos, M., Martínez Montesinos, B., Barsotti, S., Sandri, L., Folch, A., Mingari, L., Macedonio, G. & Costa, A. (2022). Long-term hazard assessment of explosive eruptions at Jan Mayen (Norway) and implications for air traffic in the North Atlantic. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(1), 139-163. Set
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Map Data
Map ID 3753 Hazard Process(es) Tephra fall Hazard Zone Presentation Single hazard: A single hazard process is represented on a series of small map panels of similar sizes Temporal Scale Background, or long-term, map Spatial Scale Regional Publication Format Figure in a journal article Zonation Method(s) Probabilistic modeling Zonation Model(s) FALL3D (Costa et al. 2006; Folch et al. 2009) Scenario(s) Considered Season or weather; Size, VEI, or intensity Hazard Zone Label(s) Estimated value or Hazard Impact Metric Probability Definition(s) Numeric probability Purpose Scientific interest: Intended for scientific research and general scientific interest; usually published in academic journals Audience Scientists (usually in scientific publication) Language(s) English Basemap(s) Administrative boundaries (e.g. county, park, intl.) Basemap overlay(s) Diemsionality Planimetric (2D or map) view Color Scheme Symbols and/or lines only