Browse Maps By Volcano

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Showing 26 volcanoes

Cerro Galán, Argentina [VNUM = 355868]

Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly (2022)
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling (2022)
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%) (2022)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area (2022)
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals (2022)
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Cerro Grande, United States [VNUM = 324802]

Ground Deformation Hazard Zone (2002)
Figure 7 in: Hackett, W.R., Smith, R.P., & Khericha, S. (2002). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, southeast Idaho. In: Bonnichsen, B., White, C.M., and McCurry, M. (eds.). Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province. Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin 30, p. 461-482.

Lava Flow Hazard Zones (2002)
Figure 5 in: Hackett, W.R., Smith, R.P., & Khericha, S. (2002). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, southeast Idaho. In: Bonnichsen, B., White, C.M., and McCurry, M. (eds.). Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province. Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin 30, p. 461-482.

Tephra and Gas Hazard Zone (2002)
Figure 6 in: Hackett, W.R., Smith, R.P., & Khericha, S. (2002). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, southeast Idaho. In: Bonnichsen, B., White, C.M., and McCurry, M. (eds.). Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province. Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin 30, p. 461-482.

Volcanic Source Zones Significant to the Central Facilities Area (CFA) (2002)
Figure 8 in: Hackett, W.R., Smith, R.P., & Khericha, S. (2002). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, southeast Idaho. In: Bonnichsen, B., White, C.M., and McCurry, M. (eds.). Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province. Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin 30, p. 461-482.

Ground Deformation Hazard Zone (1994)
Figure 10 in: Hackett, W.R. & Smith, R.P. (1994). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and adjacent areas (No. INEL--94/0276). Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co..

Lava flow hazard zone map of the INEL area (1994)
Figure 8 in: Hackett, W.R. & Smith, R.P. (1994). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and adjacent areas (No. INEL--94/0276). Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co..

Tephra and Gas Hazard Zone (1994)
Figure 9 in: Hackett, W.R. & Smith, R.P. (1994). Volcanic hazards of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and adjacent areas (No. INEL--94/0276). Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co..

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Galeras, Colombia [VNUM = 351080]

Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Volcán Galeras (2015) (2015)
Pocket insert in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Volcán Galeras - Colombia. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Recorrido de los flujos piroclásticos simulados en diferentes direcciones en el volcán Galeras (2015)
Figure 9 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Resultados de las simulaciones de flujos de lodo volcánico (lahares) para un volumen de 3 millones de metros cúbicos en el área proximal del volcán Galeras correspondiente a los polígonos de color rojo. (2015)
Figure 31 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Simulación computacional de proyectiles balísticos (2015)
Figure 16 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Simulación de Lahares (2015)
Figure 30 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Volcán Galeras, Caida de Piroclásticos: Ceniza y Lapilli (2015)
Figure 14 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Volcán Galeras, Flujos de Lava (2015)
Figure 26 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Volcán Galeras, Onda de Choque (2015)
Figure 32 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Volcán Galeras, Proyectiles Balísticos (2015)
Figure 17 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Volcán Galeras, Simulación de PDC - 4 pilas (Flujos de escoria) 5 milliones de m3 - BFA 13 grados (H:200 m) (2015)
Figure 7 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Zona que podría ser afectada por CDP (flujos y oleadas piroclásticos) generadas en erupciones del volcán Galeras (2015)
Figure 10 in: Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Direccion de Geoamenazas. (2015). Implementación de Herramientas Computacionales para la Simulación de Fenómenos Volcánicos, Como Soporte en la Actualización del Mapa de Amenaza del Volcánica Del Volcán Galeras – Colombia, Informe Técnico de Simulaciones. En cumplimiento a la Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional T-269 de 2015.

Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras Versión 2007 (2007)
Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (2007). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánicas de Galeras. Atlas de Amenaza Volcanica Versión 2007.

High Hazard Area of Pyroclastic Flows. High Hazard Area of Lahars. Area Affedted by Pyroclastic Falls. High Hazard Area of Lavas Flows. (1997)
Figure 4 in: Artunduaga, A.D.H., & Jiménez, G.P.C. (1997). Third version of the hazard map of Galeras Volcano, Colombia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research, 77(1-4), p. 89-100.

Map of potencial volcanic hazards of Galeras volcano, with three zones of hazards: high, medium and low (1997)
Figure 6 in: Artunduaga, A.D.H., & Jiménez, G.P.C. (1997). Third version of the hazard map of Galeras Volcano, Colombia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research, 77(1-4), p. 89-100.

Map of probabilistic zoning, showing weighted severity values (1997)
Figure 5 in: Artunduaga, A.D.H., & Jiménez, G.P.C. (1997). Third version of the hazard map of Galeras Volcano, Colombia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research, 77(1-4), p. 89-100.

Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras, Tercera Version (1997)
Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. (Different version of: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS) 1997)

Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras, Tercera Version (1997)
Pocket insert in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Mapa de amenaza volcánica del Volcán Galeras (1997)
Figure 21 in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Mapa de zonificación de las diferentes amenazas con registro geológico (1997)
Figure 19 in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Mapa de zonificación probalística (1997)
Figure 20 in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Mapa que ilustra la relación entre los límites de los flujos Piroclásticos obtenidos por el modelamiento en 2D y 3D (1997)
Figure 24 in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Modelamiento del mapa de amenaza por onda de choque (1997)
Figure 22 in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Modelamiento del mapa de amenaza por proyectiles balísticos (1997)
Figure 23 in: Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería (INGEOMINAS). (1997). Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Galeras. Tercera versión. Publicación Especial de INGEOMINAS.

Modeling of hazard for ballistic fragments using information collected from the eruptions that have occurred during the last seven years of surveillance of Galeras (1997)
Figure 8 in: Artunduaga, A.D.H., & Jiménez, G.P.C. (1997). Third version of the hazard map of Galeras Volcano, Colombia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research, 77(1-4), p. 89-100.

Modeling of hazard for shock waves from Galeras using the expansion wave theory of Prandl-Meyer (1997)
Figure 7 in: Artunduaga, A.D.H., & Jiménez, G.P.C. (1997). Third version of the hazard map of Galeras Volcano, Colombia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research, 77(1-4), p. 89-100.

Mapa Preliminar de Amenaza Volcanica Potencial del Galeras, Segunda versión (1990)
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico - Mineras (INGEOMINAS), Gobernacion de Nariño, Comite Regional de Emergencia de Nariño. (1989). Mapa Preliminar de Amenaza Volcanica Potencial del Galeras. Segunda Versión. Popayan.

Mapa Preliminar de Amenaza Volcanica Potencial del Galeras (Mayo 3 de 1989) (1989)
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico - Mineras (INGEOMINAS). (1989). Mapa Preliminar de Amenaza Volcanica Potencial del Galeras (Mayo 3 de 1989). 1:100,000.

Mapa Preliminar de Amenaza Volcanica Potencial del Galeras, Segunda versión - Diciembre de 1989 (1989)
Pocket insert in: Pulgarin, B., Cepeda, H., Calvache, M. & Alvardo A. (1989). Mapa Preliminar de Amenaza Volcanica Potencial del Galeras. Segunda Versión. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico - Mineras (INGEOMINAS). Popayan.

Amenaza Galeras ([?])
Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC). Amenaza Galeras.

Galunggung, Indonesia [VNUM = 263140]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java Province (2016)
Primulyana, S., Hadisantono, R.D., & Kartadinata, M.N. (2016). Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java (1996)
Hadisantono, R.D., Bronto, S., Djuhara, A., & Sumpena, A.D. (1996). Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Preliminary hazard map of Galunggung volcano showing extent of nueé ardente and lahar in 1982 (1985)
Figure 9 in: Suryo, I. & Clarke, M.C.G. (1985). The occurrence and mitigation of volcanic hazards in Indonesia as exemplified at the Mount Merapi, Mount Kelut and Mount Galunggung volcanoes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 18(1), p. 79-98.

Gamalama, Indonesia [VNUM = 268060]

Disaster Prone Zone Map of Gamalama Volcano, Ternate, Maluku (1996)
Bacharudin, R., Martono, A., & Djuhara, A. (1996). Disaster Prone Zone Map of Gamalama Volcano, Ternate, Maluku. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Gamkonora, Indonesia [VNUM = 268040]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Gamkonora Volcano, North Maluku Province (2006)
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Primulyana, S., & Fathoni F. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Gamkonora Volcano, North Maluku Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Garandake (Yufu-Tsurumi), Japan [VNUM = 282130]

Mt. Tsurumi, Mt. Garan Volcano Disaster Prevention Guide (for mountain climbers and tourists) (2016)
Tsurumidake & Garandake Volcano Disaster Prevention Council. (2016). Tsurumidake and Garandake Volcano Disaster Prevention Map (for mountain climbers and tourists). Beppu City, Yufu City, Usa City, Hiji Town, and Oita Prefecture.

Tsurumidake and Garandake Volcanic Alert Levels (2016)
Japan Meteorological Agency. (2016). Tsurumidake and Garandake Volcanic Alert Levels. Volcano Monitoring and Warning Center, Volcano Division, Earthquake and Volcano Department.

Tsurumidake and Garandake volcano disaster prevention map (2015)
Tsurumidake & Gayandake Volcano Disaster Prevention Council. (2015). Tsurumidake and Garandake volcano disaster prevention map. Beppu City, Yufu City, Usa City, Hiji Town, and Oita Prefecture.

Active Volcanoes in Oita (2006)
Oita Prefectural Government. (2006). Active Volcanoes in Oita (Beppu and Yufuin Areas). Sabo Division, Civil Engineering and Construction Department, Oita Prefectural Government.

Yufudake/Tsurumidake/Garandake Volcano Disaster Prevention Map (2006)
Beppu City, Yufu City, Oita Prefecture, Usa City, & Hiji Town Survey. (2006). Yufudake/Tsurumidake/Garandake Volcano Disaster Prevention Map.

Gareloi, United States [VNUM = 311070]

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Gareloi Volcano, Gareloi Island, Alaska (2008)
Plate 1 in: Coombs, M.L., McGimsey, R.G. & Browne, B.L. (2008). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Gareloi Volcano, Gareloi Island, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5159, 27 p., 1 plate.

Garibaldi, Canada [VNUM = 320200]

Map showing annual probability of 1 centimeter or more of tephra accumulation from any major Cascade volcano (2012)
Figure 15 in: Clynne, M. A., Robinson, J. E., Nathenson, M. & Muffler, L. P. (2012). Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5176-A, 47 p., 1 plate.

Preliminary probabilistic tephra-hazard map for Pacific Northwest (2011)
Figure 2 in: Hoblitt, R.P., & Scott, W.E. (2011). Estimate of tephra accumulation probabilities for the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2011-1064, 15 p.

Garrotxa Volcanic Field (Olot Volcanic Field), Spain [VNUM = 210030]

Ash fallout simulations with an 8-km column height and volume of 0.05 km³ (2015)
Figure 8 in: Bartolini, S., Bolós, X., Martí, J., Pedra, E. R., & Planagumà, L. (2015). Hazard assessment at the quaternary La Garrotxa volcanic field (NE Iberia). Natural Hazards, 78(2), 1349-1367.

Lava flow simulation probability map (2015)
Figure 6 in: Bartolini, S., Bolós, X., Martí, J., Pedra, E. R., & Planagumà, L. (2015). Hazard assessment at the quaternary La Garrotxa volcanic field (NE Iberia). Natural Hazards, 78(2), 1349-1367.

PDC simulation probability map (2015)
Figure 7 in: Bartolini, S., Bolós, X., Martí, J., Pedra, E. R., & Planagumà, L. (2015). Hazard assessment at the quaternary La Garrotxa volcanic field (NE Iberia). Natural Hazards, 78(2), 1349-1367.

Qualitative hazard map for the GVF (2015)
Figure 9 in: Bartolini, S., Bolós, X., Martí, J., Pedra, E. R., & Planagumà, L. (2015). Hazard assessment at the quaternary La Garrotxa volcanic field (NE Iberia). Natural Hazards, 78(2), 1349-1367.

Susceptibility map of future eruptions in the GVF calculated with QVAST tool (2015)
Figure 5 in: Bartolini, S., Bolós, X., Martí, J., Pedra, E. R., & Planagumà, L. (2015). Hazard assessment at the quaternary La Garrotxa volcanic field (NE Iberia). Natural Hazards, 78(2), 1349-1367.

Gede-Pangrango, Indonesia [VNUM = 263060]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province (2008)
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., Wahyu, S., & Santoso, M.S. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province (2006)
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., Wahyu, S., & Santoso, M.S. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Gemelos (Gemelos-Saladillo), Argentina [VNUM = 355866]

Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly (2022)
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling (2022)
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%) (2022)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area (2022)
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals (2022)
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Gemelos-Saladillo, Argentina [VNUM = 355866]

Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly (2022)
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling (2022)
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%) (2022)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area (2022)
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals (2022)
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Glacier Peak, United States [VNUM = 321020]

Tribal Lands and Volcano Hazards in the Pacific Northwest (2021)
Gardner, C.A. and Bard, J.A. (2021). How would a volcanic eruption affect your Tribe? U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 209,

Mount Baker and Glacier Peak | Active Volcanoes. Are You Ready for An Eruption? (2014)
Washington Department of Natural Resources. (2014). Mount Baker and Glacier Peak, Active Volcanoes, Are You Ready for An Eruption? Mount Baker And Glacier Peak Combined Hazard Map. (Simplified from: Waitt et al. 1995 and Gardner et al. 1995)

Simplified volcano hazards map of Glacier Peak, Washington (2014)
Waitt, R., Mastin, L.G., Beget, J.E., Driedger, C.L., Scott, W.E., Iverson, R.M., Ramsey, D.W., & Faust, L.M. (2014). Simplified volcano hazards map of Glacier Peak, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey. Glacier Peak, WA Simplified Hazards Map. (Modified from: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-499)

Map showing one-year probability of accumulation of 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) or more of tephra from eruptions of volcanoes in the Cascade Range. (2013)
Nathensen, M. (2013). Map showing one-year probability of accumulation of 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) or more of tephra from eruptions of volcanoes in the Cascade Range. U.S. Geological Survey. Mount Bachelor Hazards.

Map showing annual probability of 1 centimeter or more of tephra accumulation from any major Cascade volcano (2012)
Figure 15 in: Clynne, M. A., Robinson, J. E., Nathenson, M. & Muffler, L. P. (2012). Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5176-A, 47 p., 1 plate.

Preliminary probabilistic tephra-hazard map for Pacific Northwest (2011)
Figure 2 in: Hoblitt, R.P., & Scott, W.E. (2011). Estimate of tephra accumulation probabilities for the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2011-1064, 15 p.

Map showing annual probability of 1 cm or more of tephra accumulation in Washington, Oregon, and northern California from eruptions throughout the Cascade Range. (1997)
Figure 4 in: Sherrod, D.R., Mastin, L.G., Scott, W.E. & Schilling, S.P. (1997). Volcano hazards at Newberry Volcano, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 97-513, 14 p.

Annual probability of 1 cm (about 0.4 inches) or more of tephra accumulation from any major Cascade volcano (1995)
Figure 5b in: Gardner, C.A., Scott, K.M., Miller, C.D., Myers, B., Hildreth, W., & Pringle, P.T. (1995). Potential volcanic hazards from future activity of Mount Baker, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-498, 16 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000.

Annual probability of >=10 cm tephra accumulation for Glacier Peak (1995)
Figure 2 in: Waitt, R.B., Mastin, L.G., & Begét, J.E. (1995). Volcanic-Hazard Zonation for Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-499, 9 p., 1 plate.

Annual probability of accumulation of ten or more centimeters (four or more inches) of tephra in Washington and Oregon from eruptions throughout the Cascade Range. (1995)
Figure 3 in: Wolfe, E.W. & Pierson, T.C. (1995). Volcanic-Hazard Zonation for Mount St. Helens, Washington, 1995. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-497, 12 p., 1 plate.

Volcanic-Hazard Zonation For Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington (1995)
Plate 1 in: Waitt, R.B., Mastin, L.G., & Begét, J.E. (1995). Volcanic-Hazard Zonation for Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-499, 9 p., 1 plate.

Contour map of the estimated annual probability of the accumulation of 1 cm or more of tephra in the northwestern United States at eruptions at 13 major volcanic centers in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 4 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Contour map of the estimated annual probability of the accumulation of 1 m or more of tephra in the northwestern United States at eruptions at 13 major volcanic centers in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 2 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Contour map of the estimated annual probability of the accumulation of 10 cm or more of tephra in the northwestern United States at eruptions at 13 major volcanic centers in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 3 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Volcanic-hazard zones in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 1 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Flowage Hazard Zones (1982)
Figure 21 in: Beget, J.E. (1982). Postglacial Volcanic Deposits at Glacier Peak, Washington, and Potential Hazards from Future Eruptions. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 82-830, 81 p.

Tephra-hazard zones for future tephra eruptions of Glacier Peak. (1982)
Figure 20 in: Beget, J.E. (1982). Postglacial Volcanic Deposits at Glacier Peak, Washington, and Potential Hazards from Future Eruptions. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 82-830, 81 p.

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Washington Geologic Information Portal - Volcanic Hazards (USGS) ([?])
Washington Department of Natural Resources. Geologic Information Portal.

Golovnin (Tomariyama [Golovnin]), Russia [VNUM = 290010]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Gorely, Russia [VNUM = 300070]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in Kamchatka (1962)
Figure 2 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Goriaschaia Sopka (Milna), Russia [VNUM = 290161]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Great Sitkin, United States [VNUM = 311120]

Approximate extent of subaqueous debris-avalanche deposits northwest of Great Sitkin Island. Also shown are areas of Adak coastline that could be affected by tsunamis generated by a large flank collapse of Great Sitkin Volcano. (2003)
Figure 12 in: Waythomas, C.F., Miller, T.P. & Nye, C.J. (2003). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 03-112, 25 p., 1 plate.

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska (2003)
Plate 1 in: Waythomas, C.F., Miller, T.P. & Nye, C.J. (2003). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 03-112, 25 p., 1 plate.

Griggs, United States [VNUM = 312190]

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster (2001)
Plate 1 in: Fierstein, J. & Hildreth, W. (2001). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-489, 50 p., 1 plate.

Grimsvotn, Iceland [VNUM = 373010]

Grímsvötn, tephra fall probability - After Thorarinsson (1974), Gudmundsson et al. (2004), Oddsson et al. (2012), Gudmundsson et al. (2013) (2019)
Guðmundsson, M.T. & Larsen, G. (2019). Grímsvötn. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Thorarinsson 1974, Gudmundsson et al. 2004, Oddsson et al. 2012, Gudmundsson et al. 2013)

Tephra fall probabilities based on 10 historical Grímsvötn eruptions (2019)
Guðmundsson, M.T. & Larsen, G. (2019). Grímsvötn. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Thorarinsson 1974, Gudmundsson et al. 2004, Oddsson et al. 2012, Gudmundsson et al. 2013)

Grozny Group (Etorofu-Yakeyama [Grozny Group]), Russia [VNUM = 290070]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Guagua Pichincha, Ecuador [VNUM = 352020]

Mapa de peligros del volcán Guagua Pichincha (2023)
Map 4 in: Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG-EPN). (2023). Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Mapa de peligro asociado al volcán Guagua Pichincha. November 13, 2023.

Probabilidad de caídas de cenizas para una potencial erupción del volcán Guagua Pichincha del escenario 1660 (2023)
Map 6 in: Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG-EPN). (2023). Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Mapa de peligro asociado al volcán Guagua Pichincha. November 13, 2023.

Vista 3d de los peligros proximales y flujos de lahares (2023)
Map 5 in: Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG-EPN). (2023). Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Mapa de peligro asociado al volcán Guagua Pichincha. November 13, 2023.

Zona de los flujos de lahares (2023)
Map 3 in: Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG-EPN). (2023). Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Mapa de peligro asociado al volcán Guagua Pichincha. November 13, 2023.

Zona de los flujos piroclásticos (nubes ardientes) (2023)
Map 2 in: Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG-EPN). (2023). Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Mapa de peligro asociado al volcán Guagua Pichincha. November 13, 2023.

Mapa de Peligros Volcánicos Potenciales del Volcán Guagua Pichincha - 3ra. Edición (2019)
IG-EPN, IGM, IRD. (2019). Mapa de Peligros Volcánicos Potenciales del Volcán Guagua Pichincha (3ra. Edición). Quito - Ecuador. Escala 1:100,000.

The New Volcanic Hazard Map of Guagua Pichincha Volcano, Third Edition 2019 (2019)
Telenchana, E., Córdova, M., Mothes, P., Espín, P., Samaniego, P., Bernard, B., Vallejo, S., & Proaño A. (2019). The new potential volcanic hazard map of Guagua Pichincha Volcano, Third Edition 2019. 8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG).

Mapa de Peligros del Volcanicos del Volcan Guagua Pichincha - Ecuador (1999)
Rivadeneira F., López, L. (1999). Mapa de Peligros del Volcanicos del Volcan Guagua Pichincha - Ecuador. Instituto Geofisico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (IG-EPN) & Dirección General de Planificación (DGP), mapa escala 1:60.000. Quito.

Peligros Volcánicos Asociados a los Volcanes Guagua Pichincha, Pululahua, y Cotopaxi (1998)
Map 4 in: Fernández, M.A. (1998). Capítulo 7: Zonificación de Amenazas Naturales y Reglamentación Urbana en Quito, Ecuador. In: Maskrey, A. (Ed.). (1998). Navegando Entre Brumas. La Aplicación de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica al Análisis de Riesgo en América Latina. Red de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres en América Latina. (Simplified from: Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) 1988)

Mapa de los Peligros Volcánicos Asociados con el Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Provincia de Pichincha (1988)
Hall, M.L. and von Hillebrandt, C.G. (1988). Mapa de los Peligros Volcánicos Asociados con el Volcán Guagua Pichincha - Provincia de Pichincha. Intituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN).

Mapa de los "Volcanes Activos" del Ecuador (1982)
Salazar, E. & Bermúdez, R. (1982). Mapa de los "Volcanes Activos" del Ecuador. Mapa Base del Ecuador, Vulcanología. Ministerio de Energía y Minas, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Minería, Quito.

Guallatiri, Chile [VNUM = 355020]

Peligros del Volcán Guallatiri, región de Arica y Parinacota (2019)
Jorquera, C., Rodríguez, I., Bertin, L., & Flores, F. (2019). Peligros del Volcán Guallatiri, región de Arica y Parinacota. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Ambiental 35, 45 p., 1 mapa escala 1:50.000. Santiago.

Zonificación de peligro por corrientes piroclásticas densas del volcán Guallatiri (2019)
Figure 9 in: Jorquera, C., Rodríguez, I., Bertin, L., & Flores, F. (2019). Peligros del Volcán Guallatiri, región de Arica y Parinacota. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Ambiental 35, 45 p., 1 mapa escala 1:50.000. Santiago.

Zonificación de peligro por flujos de lava en el volcán Guallatiri (2019)
Figure 7 in: Jorquera, C., Rodríguez, I., Bertin, L., & Flores, F. (2019). Peligros del Volcán Guallatiri, región de Arica y Parinacota. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Ambiental 35, 45 p., 1 mapa escala 1:50.000. Santiago.

Zonificación de peligro por lahares en el volcán Guallatiri (2019)
Figure 11 in: Jorquera, C., Rodríguez, I., Bertin, L., & Flores, F. (2019). Peligros del Volcán Guallatiri, región de Arica y Parinacota. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Ambiental 35, 45 p., 1 mapa escala 1:50.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcánicos del Volcán Guallatiri (2013)
Amigo, A. & Bertin, D. (2013). Peligros Volcánicos del Volcán Guallatiri. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), mapa escala 1:75,000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Guayaques, Chile-Bolivia [VNUM = 355093]

Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly (2022)
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling (2022)
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%) (2022)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area (2022)
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals (2022)
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Guntur, Indonesia [VNUM = 263130]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Guntur Volcano, West Java Province (2015)
Kartadinata, M.N. & Abdurachman, E.K. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Guntur Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Guntur Volcanic Hazard Map (2003)
Purbawinata, M.A. & Wirakusumah, A.D. (2003). Crisis preparedness of the people of Tarogong-Garut, a small town on the foot of Guntur Volcano West Java-Indonesia. Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVGHM), Directorate General of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGGMR), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR). UN Early Warning Conference II, Bonn.

San Gerónimo, Argentina

Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly (2022)
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling (2022)
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%) (2022)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area (2022)
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals (2022)
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.