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Showing 51 volcanoes

El Misti, Peru [VNUM = 354010]

Development of Arequipa over time near the torrenteras indicates the importance of understanding flood hazards (2021)
Figure 8 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.

Flood inundation extents of 100-year peak flows (2021)
Figure 5 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.

Torrentera flow paths from El Misti through the city of Arequipa and climate stations used for analysis (2021)
Figure 1 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.

Velocity hazard maps for the case studies using HEC-RAS outputs from the 100-year peak flow for water velocity and depth (2021)
Figure 6 in: Mazer, K. E., Tomasek, A. A., Daneshvar, F., Bowling, L. C., Frankenberger, J. R., McMillan, S. K., Novoa, H.M., & Zeballos‐Velarde, C. (2021). Integrated hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of torrential flood hazard in Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 171(1), 93-110.

Volcan Misti 3D (2019)
Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET). (2019). Volcan Misti 3D. Mapa de Peligros Volcanico Interativo 3D.

BA hazard maps displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by BA (2014)
Figure 8 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Combined (in terms of eruptive size and vent location) PS hazard map displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by PS (2014)
Figure 10 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) PF hazard map displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by PFs (2014)
Figure 11 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) TF hazard map, displaying the dry- and wet-season mean probability of areas being impacted by a TF load larger than 100 kg/m² (2014)
Figure 6 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Combined (in terms of eruptive sizes and vent location) TF hazard map, displaying the dry- and wet-season mean probability of areas being impacted by a TF load larger than 250 kg/m² (2014)
Figure 7 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Example of uncertainty on hazard maps for tephra load exceeding 100 kg/m² for the dry (10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior pdf) and rainy (10th and 90th percentiles of the posterior pdf) seasons (2014)
Figure 12 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Seasonal combined LA (in terms of eruptive size, vent location and eruptive/noneruptive hazard) map, displaying the yearly mean probability of areas being impacted by LA (2014)
Figure 9 in: Sandri, L., Thouret, J. C., Constantinescu, R., Biass, S., & Tonini, R. (2014). Long-term multi-hazard assessment for El Misti volcano (Peru). Bulletin of volcanology, 76(2), 771.

Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Misti (2008)
Mariño, J., Rivera, M., Cacya, L., Thouret, J.-C., Macedo, L., Salas, G., Siebe, C., Tilling, R., Sheridan, M., Chávez, A., & Zuñiga, S. (2008). Mapa de Peligros del Volcán Misti. Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET), Direccion de Geologia Ambiental y Riesgo.

Mapa Preliminar de Zonificación de Peligros Volcanicos - Sur del Perú (2003)
Comisión Multisectorial de Reducción de Riesgos en el Desarrollo (CMRRD) & Dirección General de Programación Multianual del Sector Público - MEF (DGPM) (2003). Mapa preliminar de zonificación de peligros volcánicos - Sur del Perú. Estrategía Nacional de Reducción de Riesgos para el Desarrollo. Escala 1:3000000

Volcán El Misti: Potential Volcanic Hazards (1999)
Permenter, J.L. (1999). A Preliminary Volcanic Hazard Assessment for the Arequipa Region, Southern Peru. MS Thesis. Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana.

La Malinche, Mexico [VNUM = 341091]

Escenario peligro de mayor magnitud por lahares Volcán Popocatépetl (2017)
Figure 124 in: Martin Del Pozzo, A.L, Alatorre Ibargüengoitia M., Arana Salinas L., Bonasia R., Capra Pedol L., Cassata W., Cordoba G., Cortés Ramos J., Delgado Granados H., Ferrés López M.D., Fonseca Álvarez R., García Reynoso J.A., Gisbert G., Guerrero López D.A., Jaimes Viera M., Macías Vázquez J.L., Nieto Obregon J., Nieto Torres A., Paredes Ruiz P.A., Portocarrero Martínez J., Renne P., Rodríguez Espinosa D.M., Salinas Sánchez S., Siebe Grabach C., & Tellez Ugalde E. (2017). Estudios geológicos y actualización del mapa de peligros del volcán Popocatépetl. Memoria técnica del mapa de peligros del volcán Popocatépetl. Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Escenarios de peligro por lahares Volcán Popocatépetl (2017)
Figure 126 in: Martin Del Pozzo, A.L, Alatorre Ibargüengoitia M., Arana Salinas L., Bonasia R., Capra Pedol L., Cassata W., Cordoba G., Cortés Ramos J., Delgado Granados H., Ferrés López M.D., Fonseca Álvarez R., García Reynoso J.A., Gisbert G., Guerrero López D.A., Jaimes Viera M., Macías Vázquez J.L., Nieto Obregon J., Nieto Torres A., Paredes Ruiz P.A., Portocarrero Martínez J., Renne P., Rodríguez Espinosa D.M., Salinas Sánchez S., Siebe Grabach C., & Tellez Ugalde E. (2017). Estudios geológicos y actualización del mapa de peligros del volcán Popocatépetl. Memoria técnica del mapa de peligros del volcán Popocatépetl. Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Mapa de peligros por lahares de gran volumen (escenario de mayor magnitud), que muestra la profundidad de los depósitos, con máximos de hasta 30 m (2017)
Figure 125 in: Martin Del Pozzo, A.L, Alatorre Ibargüengoitia M., Arana Salinas L., Bonasia R., Capra Pedol L., Cassata W., Cordoba G., Cortés Ramos J., Delgado Granados H., Ferrés López M.D., Fonseca Álvarez R., García Reynoso J.A., Gisbert G., Guerrero López D.A., Jaimes Viera M., Macías Vázquez J.L., Nieto Obregon J., Nieto Torres A., Paredes Ruiz P.A., Portocarrero Martínez J., Renne P., Rodríguez Espinosa D.M., Salinas Sánchez S., Siebe Grabach C., & Tellez Ugalde E. (2017). Estudios geológicos y actualización del mapa de peligros del volcán Popocatépetl. Memoria técnica del mapa de peligros del volcán Popocatépetl. Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Laguna del Maule, Chile [VNUM = 357061]

Peligros Volcánicos del Complejo Volcánico Laguna Del Maule (2012)
Amigo, A. & Bertin, D., (2012). Mapa Preliminar de peligros volcánicos Complejo volcánico Laguna del Maule. Región del Maule, Informe inédito, Subdirección Nacional de Geología, Programa de Riesgo Volcánico, mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Maca, Chile [VNUM = 358056]

Peligros Volcánicos del Volcán Macá (2012)
Bertin, D. & Amigo, A. (2012). Mapa Preliminar de peligros volcánicos Volcán Macá, Región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. Informe inédito, Subdirección Nacional de Geología, Programa de Riesgo Volcánico, mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Machín, Colombia [VNUM = 351040]

Shaded relief map showing pyroclastic flow hazard map, pyroclastic flow zone affected using FLOW3D and the distribution of the final deposits after a Plinian eruption using TITAN2D in CMV. (2010)
Figure 5 in: Murcia, H.F., Sheridan, M.F., Macías, J.L., & Cortés, G.P. (2010). TITAN2D simulations of pyroclastic flows at Cerro Machín Volcano, Colombia: Hazard implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 29(2), p. 161-170.

Evaluación de la Amenaza Potencial del Volcán Cerro Machín (2002)
Méndez, R.A., Cortés, G.P., & Cepeda, H. (2002). Evaluación de la Amenaza Potencial del Volcán Cerro Machín. Instituto de Investigación e Información Geocientífica, Minero - Ambiental y Nuclear (INGEOMINAS). mapa escala 1:150,213. Bogotá with accompanying text: INGEOMINAS (Instituto de Investigación e Información Geocientífica, Minero, Ambiental Y Nuclear). (2003) Memoria explicativa del Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica del Cerro Machín. Bogotá.

Mapa de Dispersion Potencial de Productos del Volcan Cerro Machin (Areas de Transito y Deposito) (1995)
Appendix 1 in: Cepeda, H., Murcia, L.A., Monsalve, L., Méndez, R.A., & Nuñez, A. (1995). Volcan Cerro Machin, Departamento del Tolima, Colombia: Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Instituto de Investigaciones en Geociencias, Minera y Quimica (INGEOMINAS), Popayan. 53 p.

Amenaza Machín ([?])
Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC). Amenaza Machín.

Maderas, Nicaragua [VNUM = 344130]

Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes ([?])
Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes.

Mageik, United States [VNUM = 312150]

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster (2001)
Plate 1 in: Fierstein, J. & Hildreth, W. (2001). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-489, 50 p., 1 plate.

Mahagnao, Philippines [VNUM = 272070]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahagnao Volcano (2022)
Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (DOST-PHIVOLCS). (2022). Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahagnao Volcano. Version 2. 1:35,000. Quezon City, Philippines.

The Ready Project: Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahagnao Volcano (2007)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology – Department of Science and Technology (PHIVOLCS-DOST). (2007). The Ready Project: Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahagnao Volcano. Province of Leyte, Region VIII-Eastern Visayas. Hazards Mapping and Assessment for Effective Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (READY) Project

HazardHunterPH Mahagnao ([?])
GeoRisk Philippines. HazardHunterPH.

Mahawu, Indonesia [VNUM = 266110]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahawu Volcano North Sulawesi Province (2007)
Hadisantono, R.D., Mulyana, A.R., Sumpena, A.D., Martono, A., & Riyadi. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahawu Volcano North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Maipo, Chile-Argentina [VNUM = 357021]

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Makian (Kie Besi), Indonesia [VNUM = 268070]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Kie Besi - Makian Island Volcano, North Maluku (2006)
Mulyana, A.R., Bronto, S., Sumpena, A.D., Hadisantono, R.D., & Martono, A. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kie Besi - Makian Island Volcano, North Maluku. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Makushin, United States [VNUM = 311310]

Areas likely to be affected by pyroclastic flows from typical small to moderate eruptions of Makushin (2000)
Figure 10 in: Beget, J.E., Nye, C.J. & Bean, K.W. (2000). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Makushin Volcano, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Report of Investigation 2000-4, 22 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.

Lateral blast hazard zone at Makushin Volcano, assuming the extent of a future blast is comparable to that at Mount St. Helens in 1980 (2000)
Figure 13 in: Beget, J.E., Nye, C.J. & Bean, K.W. (2000). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Makushin Volcano, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Report of Investigation 2000-4, 22 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.

Maximum likely runout distance of large debris avalanches at Makushin Volcano (2000)
Figure 12 in: Beget, J.E., Nye, C.J. & Bean, K.W. (2000). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Makushin Volcano, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Report of Investigation 2000-4, 22 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Makushin Volcano, Alaska (2000)
Sheet 1 in: Beget, J.E., Nye, C.J. & Bean, K.W. (2000). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for Makushin Volcano, Alaska. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Report of Investigation 2000-4, 22 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.

Maly Semyachik, Russia [VNUM = 300140]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in Kamchatka (1962)
Figure 2 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Mammoth Mountain, United States [VNUM = 323150]

Generalized volcanic hazard maps for very high, high, and moderate threat volcanoes compiled and simplified from Miller (1980, 1989), Miller and others (1982), Donnelly-Nolan and others (2007), Clynne and others (2012), White and others (2011), and Robinson and others (2012) (2019)
Figure 8 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing counties and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) administrative regions (coastal, inland, and southern) and mutual aid regions (MARs) I–VI that could be directly affected by volcanic hazards. (2019)
Figure 11 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing Federal, state, and local water storage and distribution centers in relation to moderate, high, and very high threat volcanoes (2019)
Figure 22 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing high-voltage electric transmission lines in relation to volcanic hazard zones (2019)
Figure 16 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of sketched jet flight paths at >18,000 feet altitude above California (2019)
Figure 28 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map showing representative yearly traffic counts on principal road segments in the vicinity of (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 25 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps of 2010 population density in and near (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B ) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D ) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 14 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps showing the classification of land cover around (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 10 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 1 (kernel denisty estimator) (2017)
Figure 7 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 2 (Bayesian update of fault map) (2017)
Figure 9 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 3 (Averaged model) (2017)
Figure 10 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Zones from Potential Vents in Long Valley Caldera, California.

Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around potential vents in the Mammoth Mountain area of the Long Valley Caldera (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around potential vents in the Mammoth Mountain area of the Long Valley Caldera. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Zones from Potential Vents in Long Valley Caldera, California.

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Manam, Papua New Guinea [VNUM = 251020]

Local evacuation plan for Manam Island Volcano based on distribution of known hazardous areas (1982)
Figure 12 in: Lowenstein, P.L. (1982). Problems of volcanic hazards in Papua New Guinea. Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea, Report 82/7, 62 p.

Volcanic Hazards Map of Manam Island (1982)
Figure 2 in: de St. Ours, P. (1982). Potential hazards at Manam Island. Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea, Report 82/22, 16p.

Marapi, Indonesia [VNUM = 261140]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Marapi Volcano, West Sumatera Province (2006)
Dana, I.N., Santoso, M.S., Karim, A., & Riyadi. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Marapi Volcano, West Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Markagunt Plateau, United States [VNUM = 327040]

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Marmolejo (San José), Chile-Argentina [VNUM = 357020]

Peligros Volcánicos del Complejo Volcánico San José (2012)
Silva, C., Orozco, G., Moreno, H. (2012). Mapa Preliminar de peligros volcánicos Complejo volcánico San José, Región Metropolitana. Informe inédito, Subdirección Nacional de Geología, Programa de Riesgo Volcánico. Escala 1:100.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Martin, United States [VNUM = 312140]

Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster (2001)
Plate 1 in: Fierstein, J. & Hildreth, W. (2001). Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-489, 50 p., 1 plate.

Masaya, Nicaragua [VNUM = 344100]

Volcán Masaya - Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica III (2004)
Delgado, H., Navarro, M., & Farraz, I.A. (2004). Volcán Masaya Mapa de Amenaza Volcánica III. Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) & Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Mapa de los Peligros Geológicos (1998)
Šebesta, J. (1998). Mapa de los Peligros Geológicos. In: Hradecký, P. (1998). Estudio Geológico para Reconocimiento del Riesgo Natural y Vulnerabilidad en el Area de Managua, Masaya y Granada. Servicio Geológico Checo en Colaboración con Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales, Prague.

Mapa de amenaza determinista por caída de cenizas [m] en el volcán Masaya ([?])
Figure 6-17 in: CAPRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment Initiative. Nicaragua - Tomo I Metodología De Modelación Probabilista De Riesgos Naturales. Informe Técnico ERN-CAPRA-t2-3 Modelación Probabilista De Amenazas Naturales.

Mapa de amenaza determinista por flujos de lava en el volcán Masaya ([?])
Figure 6-15 in: CAPRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment Initiative. Nicaragua - Tomo I Metodología De Modelación Probabilista De Riesgos Naturales. Informe Técnico ERN-CAPRA-t2-3 Modelación Probabilista De Amenazas Naturales.

Mapa de amenaza determinista por flujos piroclásticos en el volcán Masaya ([?])
Figure 6-16 in: CAPRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment Initiative. Nicaragua - Tomo I Metodología De Modelación Probabilista De Riesgos Naturales. Informe Técnico ERN-CAPRA-t2-3 Modelación Probabilista De Amenazas Naturales.

Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes ([?])
Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes.

Matutum, Philippines [VNUM = 271020]

Volcanic Hazard Map of Matutum Volcano (2023)
Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (DOST-PHIVOLCS). (2023). Volcanic Hazard Map of Matutum Volcano. Version 1. 1:80,000. Quezon City, Philippines.

Preliminary Hazard Map of Matutum Volcano (1998)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (1998). Preliminary Hazard Map of Matutum Volcano. Quezon City.

Mauna Kea, United States [VNUM = 332030]

Map depicting the numbered hazard zones 1 to 4 for ground fractures and “small-scale” subsidence for the Island of Hawai‘i (2014)
Figure 15 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Map of the eight main Hawaiian Islands, showing probability of future earthquake ground shaking (2014)
Figure 12 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Preliminary integrated lava flow hazards map for the State of Hawaii (2014)
Figure 4 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Shaded relief map showing tephra hazard zones on the Island of Hawai‘i (2014)
Figure 8 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Lava flow inundation hazard zones for Hawai‘i shown with colors indicating increasing hazard (adapted from Heliker 1990; Wright et al. 1992). Superimposed on hazard zones are channel-length contours from Fig. 4 (dashed color lines). (2005)
Figure 5 in: Rowland, S. K., Garbeil, H., & Harris, A. J. (2005). Lengths and hazards from channel-fed lava flows on Mauna Loa, Hawai ‘i, determined from thermal and downslope modeling with FLOWGO. Bulletin of Volcanology, 67(7), 634-647.

Hazard zones for lava flows on Mauna Kea and Kohala (1997)
Page 32 in: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (1997). Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Unumbered Series, 48 p. (Simplified from: Wright 1992)

The Island of Hawaii is divided into zones according to the degree of hazards from lava flows (1997)
Page 22 in: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (1997). Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Unumbered Series, 48 p. (Simplified from: Wright 1992)

Lava Flow Hazard Zones (1994)
Figure 2 in: Kauahikaua, J. P., Moore, R. B., & Delaney, P. (1994). Volcanic activity and ground deformation hazard analysis for the Hawaii geothermal project environmental impact statement. US Geological Survey, Open File Report 94-553. 44 p. (Modified from: Wright et al. 1992)

Map Showing Lava-Flow Hazard Zones, Island of Hawaii (1992)
Wright, T.L., Chun, J.Y.F., Exposo, J., Heliker, C., Hodge, J., Lockwood, J.P., & Vogt, S.M. (1992). Map showing lava-flow hazard zones, Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2193, scale 1:250,000.

Hazard zones for ground fractures and subsidence on the Island of Hawaii (1987)
Figure 22.12 in: Mullineaux, D.R., Peterson, D.W., & Crandell, D.R. (1987). Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands. In: Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., & Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.) Volcanism in Hawaii. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, Chapter 22, p. 599-621.

Hazard zones for lava flows on the Island of Hawaii (1987)
Figure 22.10 in: Mullineaux, D.R., Peterson, D.W., & Crandell, D.R. (1987). Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands. In: Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., & Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.) Volcanism in Hawaii. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, Chapter 22, p. 599-621.

Hazard zones for tephra on the Island of Hawaii (1987)
Figure 22.11 in: Mullineaux, D.R., Peterson, D.W., & Crandell, D.R. (1987). Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands. In: Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., & Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.) Volcanism in Hawaii. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, Chapter 22, p. 599-621.

General areas of high (H), medium (M), and low (L) risk from surface ruptures (1974)
Figure 14 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Map of Zones of Overall Relative Risk From Volcanic Hazards, Island of Hawaii (1974)
Plate 1 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Volcano rift and shoreline zones subject to relatively high risk from subsidence (cross hachured) (1974)
Figure 12 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Zones of overall relative risk from volcanic hazards. Risk increases from "A" through "F" (1974)
Figure 15 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Zones of relative risk from falling volcanic fragments (1974)
Figure 10 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Zones of relative risk from lava-flow burial (1974)
Figure 9 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Index of lava flow incidence per 10,000 years past per square mile (1940)
Figure 2 (in reprint) in: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. (1940s or 1950s). Index of lava flow incidence per 10,000 years past per square mile. (Reprinted in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Mauna Loa, United States [VNUM = 332020]

Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, Kapuʻa, and Miloliʻi Inundation Zones (2017)
Sheet 7 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Hōnaunau and Kealakekua Inundation Zones (2017)
Sheet 9 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Kalae Inundation Zone (2017)
Sheet 6 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Kapāpala and Wood Valley Inundation Zones (2017)
Sheet 3 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Kaumana, Waiākea, and Volcano-Mountain View Inundation Zones (2017)
Sheet 2 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Kaʻohe, Kaʻapuna, and Hoʻokena Inundation Zones (2017)
Sheet 8 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Lava Inundation Zone Maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii (2017)
Sheet 1 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Nāʻālehu Inundation Zone (2017)
Sheet 5 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Puako Inundation Zone (2017)
Sheet 10 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Wood Valley, Pāhala, and Punaluʻu Inundation Zones (2017)
Sheet 4 in: Trusdell, F.A. & Zoeller, M.H. (2017). Lava inundation zone maps for Mauna Loa, Island of Hawaiʻi, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3387, 12 p., 10 sheets.

Map depicting the numbered hazard zones 1 to 4 for ground fractures and “small-scale” subsidence for the Island of Hawai‘i (2014)
Figure 15 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Map of the eight main Hawaiian Islands, showing probability of future earthquake ground shaking (2014)
Figure 12 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Preliminary integrated lava flow hazards map for the State of Hawaii (2014)
Figure 4 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Shaded relief map showing tephra hazard zones on the Island of Hawai‘i (2014)
Figure 8 in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Lava flow inundation hazard zones for Hawai‘i shown with colors indicating increasing hazard (adapted from Heliker 1990; Wright et al. 1992). Superimposed on hazard zones are channel-length contours from Fig. 4 (dashed color lines). (2005)
Figure 5 in: Rowland, S. K., Garbeil, H., & Harris, A. J. (2005). Lengths and hazards from channel-fed lava flows on Mauna Loa, Hawai ‘i, determined from thermal and downslope modeling with FLOWGO. Bulletin of Volcanology, 67(7), 634-647.

Results for channel-fed flows superimposed on a portion of a cloud-free Landsat ETM+ image (2005)
Figure 4 in: Rowland, S. K., Garbeil, H., & Harris, A. J. (2005). Lengths and hazards from channel-fed lava flows on Mauna Loa, Hawai ‘i, determined from thermal and downslope modeling with FLOWGO. Bulletin of Volcanology, 67(7), 634-647.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i (2002)
Sheet 1 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 10. Puako lava inundation zone (2002)
Sheet 10 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 2. Kaumana, Waiakea, and Volcano-Mountain View inundation zones (2002)
Sheet 2 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 3. Kapapala inundation zone (2002)
Sheet 3 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 4. Pahala, Punalu'u, and Wood Valley inundation zones (2002)
Sheet 4 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 5. Na'alehu inundation zone (2002)
Sheet 5 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 6. Ka Lae inundation zone (2002)
Sheet 6 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 7. HOVE, Kapu'a, and Miloli'i inundation zones (2002)
Sheet 7 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 8. Ho'okena, Ka'ohe, and Ka'apuna inundation zones (2002)
Sheet 8 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Maps Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai'i - Map 9. Honaunau and Kealakekua inundation zones (2002)
Sheet 9 in: Trusdell, F.A., Graves, P., & Tincher, C.R. (2002). Map Showing Lava Inundation Zones for Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2401. 10 Map Sheets (each 22 x 34 inches); Pamphlet (14 p.) scale 1:70000.

Map of the lavashed for future prison Site B and Site C showing the 9-, 24-, 48-, and 72-hour warning lines (1998)
Figure 10 in: Kauahikaua, J. P., Trusdell, F. A., & Heliker, C. C. (1998). The probability of lava inundation at the proposed and existing Kulani Prison Sites. US Geological Survey, Open-File Report 98-794. 21 p.

Map of the lavashed for the existing prison site showing the 9- and 24-hour warning lines (1998)
Figure 9 in: Kauahikaua, J. P., Trusdell, F. A., & Heliker, C. C. (1998). The probability of lava inundation at the proposed and existing Kulani Prison Sites. US Geological Survey, Open-File Report 98-794. 21 p.

Map showing the nested 60-, 75-, and 90-degree lavasheds computed for the terminal lobes of the Mauna Loa 1984-1 and 1984-1A flows (1998)
Figure 8 in: Kauahikaua, J. P., Trusdell, F. A., & Heliker, C. C. (1998). The probability of lava inundation at the proposed and existing Kulani Prison Sites. US Geological Survey, Open-File Report 98-794. 21 p.

Hazard zones for lava flows on Mauna Loa (1997)
Page 28 in: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (1997). Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Unumbered Series, 48 p. (Simplified from: Wright 1992)

The Island of Hawaii is divided into zones according to the degree of hazards from lava flows (1997)
Page 22 in: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (1997). Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Unumbered Series, 48 p. (Simplified from: Wright 1992)

Recurrence interval ranges for lava flows within a 3-km-square grid based on the entire known geological record of Mauna Loa (1995)
Figure 3 in: Kauahikaua, J., Margriter, S., Lockwood, J., & Trusdell, F. (1995). Applications of GIS to the estimation of lava flow hazards on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i. Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, 92, 315-325.

Recurrence interval ranges for lava flows within a 3-km-square grid based on the geologic record of Mauna Loa from the last 150 years (1995)
Figure 4 in: Kauahikaua, J., Margriter, S., Lockwood, J., & Trusdell, F. (1995). Applications of GIS to the estimation of lava flow hazards on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i. Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, 92, 315-325.

Recurrence intervals for lava flows erupted between 1843 and the present within topographically-defined catchments (1995)
Figure 5 in: Kauahikaua, J., Margriter, S., Lockwood, J., & Trusdell, F. (1995). Applications of GIS to the estimation of lava flow hazards on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i. Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, 92, 315-325.

Lava Flow Hazard Zones (1994)
Figure 2 in: Kauahikaua, J. P., Moore, R. B., & Delaney, P. (1994). Volcanic activity and ground deformation hazard analysis for the Hawaii geothermal project environmental impact statement. US Geological Survey, Open File Report 94-553. 44 p. (Modified from: Wright et al. 1992)

Map Showing Lava-Flow Hazard Zones, Island of Hawaii (1992)
Wright, T.L., Chun, J.Y.F., Exposo, J., Heliker, C., Hodge, J., Lockwood, J.P., & Vogt, S.M. (1992). Map showing lava-flow hazard zones, Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2193, scale 1:250,000.

Hazard zones for ground fractures and subsidence on the Island of Hawaii (1987)
Figure 22.12 in: Mullineaux, D.R., Peterson, D.W., & Crandell, D.R. (1987). Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands. In: Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., & Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.) Volcanism in Hawaii. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, Chapter 22, p. 599-621.

Hazard zones for lava flows on the Island of Hawaii (1987)
Figure 22.10 in: Mullineaux, D.R., Peterson, D.W., & Crandell, D.R. (1987). Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands. In: Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., & Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.) Volcanism in Hawaii. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, Chapter 22, p. 599-621.

Hazard zones for tephra on the Island of Hawaii (1987)
Figure 22.11 in: Mullineaux, D.R., Peterson, D.W., & Crandell, D.R. (1987). Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands. In: Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., & Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.) Volcanism in Hawaii. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, Chapter 22, p. 599-621.

General areas of high (H), medium (M), and low (L) risk from surface ruptures (1974)
Figure 14 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Map of Zones of Overall Relative Risk From Volcanic Hazards, Island of Hawaii (1974)
Plate 1 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Volcano rift and shoreline zones subject to relatively high risk from subsidence (cross hachured) (1974)
Figure 12 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Zones of overall relative risk from volcanic hazards. Risk increases from "A" through "F" (1974)
Figure 15 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Zones of relative risk from falling volcanic fragments (1974)
Figure 10 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Zones of relative risk from lava-flow burial (1974)
Figure 9 in: Mullineaux, D.R. & Peterson, D.W. (1974). Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-239.

Index of lava flow incidence per 10,000 years past per square mile (1940)
Figure 2 (in reprint) in: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. (1940s or 1950s). Index of lava flow incidence per 10,000 years past per square mile. (Reprinted in: Kauahikaua, J.P. & Tilling, R.I. (2014). Natural hazards and risk reduction in Hawai‘i. In: Poland, M.P., Takahashi, T.J., & Landowski, C.M. (eds.) Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1801, p. 397-427.

Mayon, Philippines [VNUM = 273030]

2018 Mayon Volcano Lahar Hazard Map (2018)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2018). 2018 Mayon Volcano Lahar Hazard Map.

Mayon Volcano Ash Fall Hazards Map as of January 2000 (2018)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2018). Mayon Volcano Ash Fall Hazards Map as of January 2000.

Mayon Volcano Lava Flow Hazard Map as of January 2000 (2018)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2018). Mayon Volcano Lava Flow Hazard Map as of January 2000.

Mayon Volcano Pyroclastic Flow Hazard Map as of April 2003 (2018)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2018). Mayon Volcano Pyroclastic Flow Hazard Map as of April 2003.

Situation Update as of 11am 21 Dec. 2009, Mayon Volcano Danger Zones, Affected Population and Barangays and Evacuation Centers (2009)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) Philippines. (2009). Mayon Volcano Danger Zone Affected Population and Barangays and Evacuation Centers as of 11am 21 Dec 2009.

Mayon Volcano Pyroclastic Flow Hazard Map as of April 2003 (2003)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2000). Mayon Volcano Pyroclastic Flow Hazard Map as of April 2003

Mayon Volcano Ashfall Hazards Map as of January 2000 (2000)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2000). Mayon Volcano Ash Fall Hazards Map as of January 2000.

Mayon Volcano Lava Flow Hazard Map as of January 2000 (2000)
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). (2000). Mayon Volcano Lava Flow Hazard Map as of January 2000.

HazardHunterPH Mayon ([?])
GeoRisk Philippines. HazardHunterPH.

Revised Mayon Volcano Lahar Hazard Map ([?])
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). Revised Mayon Volcano Hazard Map.

Mayor Island, New Zealand [VNUM = 241021]

Mean simulated tephra thickness within the Auckland Region (2006)
Figure 6 in: Magill, C. R., Hurst, A. W., Hunter, L. J., & Blong, R. J. (2006). Probabilistic tephra fall simulation for the Auckland Region, New Zealand. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 153(3-4), 370-386.

Meager, Canada [VNUM = 320180]

Map showing annual probability of 1 centimeter or more of tephra accumulation from any major Cascade volcano (2012)
Figure 15 in: Clynne, M. A., Robinson, J. E., Nathenson, M. & Muffler, L. P. (2012). Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5176-A, 47 p., 1 plate.

Preliminary probabilistic tephra-hazard map for Pacific Northwest (2011)
Figure 2 in: Hoblitt, R.P., & Scott, W.E. (2011). Estimate of tephra accumulation probabilities for the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2011-1064, 15 p.

Meakandake (Akan), Japan [VNUM = 285070]

Meakandake Hazard Map (2019)
Page 9-10 in: Ashoro Town. (2019). Ashoro Town Disaster Prevention Guide Map. 30 p.

Meakandake Volcanic Alert Levels (2018)
Japan Meteorological Agency. (2018). Meakandake Volcanic Alert Levels. Volcano Monitoring and Warning Center, Volcano Division, Earthquake and Volcano Department.

Volcanic hazard map of Meakandake - If Largest Eruption Occurs (2012)
Page 10-11 in: Volcano Disaster Management Councils of Meakandake. (2012). Meakandake Volcanic Disaster Prevention Guidebook. Kushiro City.

Volcanic hazard map of Meakandake - If Small Eruption Occurs (2012)
Page 8-9 in: Volcano Disaster Management Councils of Meakandake. (2012). Meakandake Volcanic Disaster Prevention Guidebook. Kushiro City.

Ashoro Town Meakan-dake Disaster Prevention Map (2000)
Ashoro Town. (2000). Ashoro Town Meakan-dake Disaster Prevention Map.

Medicine Lake, United States [VNUM = 323020]

Generalized volcanic hazard maps for very high, high, and moderate threat volcanoes compiled and simplified from Miller (1980, 1989), Miller and others (1982), Donnelly-Nolan and others (2007), Clynne and others (2012), White and others (2011), and Robinson and others (2012) (2019)
Figure 8 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing counties and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) administrative regions (coastal, inland, and southern) and mutual aid regions (MARs) I–VI that could be directly affected by volcanic hazards. (2019)
Figure 11 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing Federal, state, and local water storage and distribution centers in relation to moderate, high, and very high threat volcanoes (2019)
Figure 22 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing high-voltage electric transmission lines in relation to volcanic hazard zones (2019)
Figure 16 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of natural gas pipelines and substations in northern California (2019)
Figure 20 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of railways through hazard zones of Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center in northern California (2019)
Figure 26 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of sketched jet flight paths at >18,000 feet altitude above California (2019)
Figure 28 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map showing representative yearly traffic counts on principal road segments in the vicinity of (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 25 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps of 2010 population density in and near (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B ) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D ) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 14 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps showing the classification of land cover around (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 10 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Simplified volcano hazards map of Medicine Lake, California (2014)
Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., Nathenson, M., Champion, D.E., Ramsey, D.W., Lowenstern, J.B., Ewert, J.W., Driedger, C.L., Scott, W.E., Iverson, R.M., & Faust, L.M. (2014). Simplified volcano hazards map of Medicine Lake, California. U.S. Geological Survey. Medicine Lake, CA simplified hazards map. (Modified from: U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5174-A)

Map showing one-year probability of accumulation of 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) or more of tephra from eruptions of volcanoes in the Cascade Range. (2013)
Nathensen, M. (2013). Map showing one-year probability of accumulation of 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) or more of tephra from eruptions of volcanoes in the Cascade Range. U.S. Geological Survey. Mount Bachelor Hazards.

Map showing annual probability of 1 centimeter or more of tephra accumulation from any major Cascade volcano (2012)
Figure 15 in: Clynne, M. A., Robinson, J. E., Nathenson, M. & Muffler, L. P. (2012). Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5176-A, 47 p., 1 plate.

Preliminary probabilistic tephra-hazard map for Pacific Northwest (2011)
Figure 2 in: Hoblitt, R.P., & Scott, W.E. (2011). Estimate of tephra accumulation probabilities for the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2011-1064, 15 p.

Map showing caldera features and caldera-related hazards at Medicine Lake volcano (2008)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2008). Map showing caldera features and caldera-related hazards at Medicine Lake volcano. U.S. Geological Survey. Medicine Lake Hazards. (Modified from: Scientitic Investigations Report 2007-5174-A)

Hazard zonation map of Medicine Lake volcano, showing county and land-management boundaries and infrastructure (2007)
Figure 8 in: Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., Nathenson, M., Champion, D.E., Ramsey, D.W., Lowenstern, J.B., & Ewert, J.W. (2007). Volcano Hazards Assessment for Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California. Scientitic Investigations Report 2007-5174-A. Plate 1.

Map showing caldera features and caldera-related hazards at Medicine Lake volcano (2007)
Figure 13 in: Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., Nathenson, M., Champion, D.E., Ramsey, D.W., Lowenstern, J.B., & Ewert, J.W. (2007). Volcano Hazards Assessment for Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California. Scientitic Investigations Report 2007-5174-A. Plate 1.

Volcano Hazards Assessment for Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California (2007)
Plate 1 in: Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., Nathenson, M., Champion, D.E., Ramsey, D.W., Lowenstern, J.B., & Ewert, J.W. (2007). Volcano Hazards Assessment for Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California. Scientitic Investigations Report 2007-5174-A. Plate 1.

Map showing annual probability of 1 cm or more of tephra accumulation in Washington, Oregon, and northern California from eruptions throughout the Cascade Range. (1997)
Figure 4 in: Sherrod, D.R., Mastin, L.G., Scott, W.E. & Schilling, S.P. (1997). Volcano hazards at Newberry Volcano, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 97-513, 14 p.

Annual probability of 1 cm (about 0.4 inches) or more of tephra accumulation from any major Cascade volcano (1995)
Figure 5b in: Gardner, C.A., Scott, K.M., Miller, C.D., Myers, B., Hildreth, W., & Pringle, P.T. (1995). Potential volcanic hazards from future activity of Mount Baker, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-498, 16 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000.

Annual probability of accumulation of ten or more centimeters (four or more inches) of tephra in Washington and Oregon from eruptions throughout the Cascade Range. (1995)
Figure 3 in: Wolfe, E.W. & Pierson, T.C. (1995). Volcanic-Hazard Zonation for Mount St. Helens, Washington, 1995. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 95-497, 12 p., 1 plate.

Potential Hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California (1989)
Plate 1 in: Miller, C.D. (1989). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1847, 17 p., 2 tables, 1 plate, scale 1:500,000.

Contour map of the estimated annual probability of the accumulation of 1 cm or more of tephra in the northwestern United States at eruptions at 13 major volcanic centers in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 4 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Contour map of the estimated annual probability of the accumulation of 1 m or more of tephra in the northwestern United States at eruptions at 13 major volcanic centers in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 2 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Contour map of the estimated annual probability of the accumulation of 10 cm or more of tephra in the northwestern United States at eruptions at 13 major volcanic centers in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 3 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Volcanic-hazard zones in the Cascades Range (1987)
Plate 1 in: Hoblitt, R. P., Miller, C. D., & Scott, W. E. (1987). Volcanic hazards with regard to siting nuclear-power plants in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 87-297.

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Medvezhia (Moyorodake [Medvezhia]), Russia [VNUM = 290100]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Melimoyu, Chile [VNUM = 358052]

Peligros Volcánicos del Volcán Melimoyu (2012)
Lara, L. & Bertin, D. (2012). Mapa Preliminar de peligros volcánicos Volcán Melimoyu, Región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. Informe inédito, Subdirección Nacional de Geología, Programa de Riesgo Volcánico, mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Menan Buttes, United States [VNUM = 324804]

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Mendeleev (Raususan [Mendeleev]), Russia [VNUM = 290020]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Mentolat, Chile [VNUM = 358054]

Peligros Volcánicos del Volcán Mentolat (2012)
Kraus, S. (2012). Mapa Preliminar de peligros volcánicos Volcán Mentolat, Región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. Informe inédito, Subdirección Nacional de Geología, Programa de Riesgo Volcánico, mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Merapi, Indonesia [VNUM = 263250]

Risk Map of Sumber, Klakah Village, Magelang (2012)
Figure 5 (in reprint) in: Marmen, Sri Lestari, Sinta Oktavia, & Waginah. (2012). Risk Map of Sumber, Klakah Village, Magelang. (Reprinted in: Andreastuti, S., Budianto, A., & Paripurno, E.T. (2017). Integrating social and physical perspectives of mitigation policy and practice in Indonesia. In: Fearnley, C.J., Bird, D.K., Haynes, K., McGuire, W.J., Jolly, G. (Eds.) Observing the Volcano World (p. 307-320). Springer, Cham.

Mount Merapi Volcanic Activity Java, 26.10.10 (2010)
World Food Programme. (2010). Indonesia: Java - Mount Merapi Volcanic Activity - as of 26 Oct 2010.

Peta Hazard Awan Panas Gn. Merapi Sebelum dan Sesudah 3 November 2010 (2010)
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Puslitbang Jalan dan Jembatan. (2010). Peta Hazard Awan Panas Gn. Merapi Sebelum dan Sesudah 3 November 2010.

Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 2010 (2010)
Sayudi, D.S., Nurnaning A., Juliani Dj., & Muzani, M. (2010). Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 2010. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation.

Peta Sementara Kawasan Rawanbencana G. Merapi Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (2010)
Badan Geologi - Kementerian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral Badan Geologi, Pusat Vulkanologi Dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Balai Penyelidikan Dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK). (2010). Peta Sementara Kawasan Rawanbencana G. Merapi Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Map Merapi Volcano (Gendol River) (2008)
Figure 5 in: Widiwijayanti, C., Voight, B., Hidayat, D., & Schilling, S. P. (2009). Objective rapid delineation of areas at risk from block-and-ash pyroclastic flows and surges. Bulletin of Volcanology, 71(6), p. 687-703.

Batur Community Hazard Map (2007)
Figure 5.5 in: Donovan, K.H.M. (2010). Cultural responses to volcanic hazards on Mt Merapi, Indonesia. University of Plymouth, PhD Dissertation.

The hazard map for Pelem Sari (2007)
Figure 5.6 in: Donovan, K.H.M. (2010). Cultural responses to volcanic hazards on Mt Merapi, Indonesia. University of Plymouth, PhD Dissertation.

Volcanic Hazard Map of Merapi Volcano, Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Province (2002)
Hadisantono, R.D., Andreastuti, M.CH.S.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Sayudi, D.S., Nurnusanto, I., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., & Muzani, M. (2002). Volcanic Hazard Map of Merapi Volcano, Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Province. Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVGHM).

Hazard-zone map for the 'Merapi-type' eruption scenario, based on the 1961-1996 events (VEI 2-3) (2000)
Figure 4 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Hazard-zone map for the 'subplinian' eruption scenario, based on the 1872 eruption (VEI 4), and for the 'worst-case' scenario, based on historical eruptions (>VEI 4) (2000)
Figure 6 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Lahar and flood hazard (2000)
Figure 9 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Part of an orthoimage draped Digital Elevation Model which illustrated the simulation of gravity-driven pyroclastic currents. (2000)
Figure 7 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Hazard Map of Merapi (1996)
Purbawinata, M. A., Ratdomopurbo, A., Sinulingga, I. K., Sumarti, S., & Suharno, I. (1996). Merapi volcano – guide book. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI), Bandung. (Reprinted in: Gerstenecker, C., Läufer, G., Steineck, D., Tiede, C., & Wrobel, B. (2005). Validation of digital elevation models around Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 5(6), 863-876.

Volcanic hazard map, Merapi volcano (1985)
Figure 8 in: Suryo, I., & Clarke, M.C.G. (1985). The occurrence and mitigation of volcanic hazards in Indonesia as exemplified at the Mount Merapi, Mount Kelut and Mount Galunggung volcanoes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 18(1), p. 79-98.

Peta Daerah Bahaya Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah (1978)
Pardyanto, L., Reksowirogo, L.D., Mitrohartono, F.X.S., & Hardjowarsito, S.H. (1978). Peta Daerah Bahaya Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah (Volcanic Hazard Map Merapi Volcano, Central Java). Geological Survey of Indonesia (GSI), scale 1:100,000

Michinmahuida, Chile [VNUM = 358040]

Peligros Volcánicos del Volcán Michinmahuida (2012)
Amigo, A. & Bertin, D. (2012). Mapa Preliminar de peligros volcánicos Volcán Michinmahuida, Región de Los Lagos. Informe inédito, Subdirección Nacional de Geología, Programa de Riesgo Volcánico, mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Micotrin (Morne Trois Pitons), Dominica [VNUM = 360100]

Dominica - Integrated Volcanic Hazard Zones for a combination of six most-likely scenarios (2005)
Pocket insert in: Lindsay, J.M., Smith, A.L., Roobol, M.J., & Stasiuk, M.V. (2005). Dominica. Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. In: Lindsay, J.M., Shepherd, J.B., Robertson, R.E.A., & Ali, S. (Eds) Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. Seismic Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. p. 2-47

Integrated volcanic hazard zones for Scenario 4: Dome-forming eruption from Micotrin (2005)
Page 32 in: Lindsay, J.M., Smith, A.L., Roobol, M.J., & Stasiuk, M.V. (2005). Dominica. Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. In: Lindsay, J.M., Shepherd, J.B., Robertson, R.E.A., & Ali, S. (Eds) Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. Seismic Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. p. 2-47

Overall Integrated volcanic hazard zones for Dominica based on a combination of the 6 most-likely scenarios (2005)
Page 43 in: Lindsay, J.M., Smith, A.L., Roobol, M.J., & Stasiuk, M.V. (2005). Dominica. Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. In: Lindsay, J.M., Shepherd, J.B., Robertson, R.E.A., & Ali, S. (Eds) Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. Seismic Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Volcanic hazard map for Scenario 4: Dome-forming eruption from Micotrin (2005)
Page 31 in: Lindsay, J.M., Smith, A.L., Roobol, M.J., & Stasiuk, M.V. (2005). Dominica. Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. In: Lindsay, J.M., Shepherd, J.B., Robertson, R.E.A., & Ali, S. (Eds) Volcanic hazard atlas of the Lesser Antilles. Seismic Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. p. 2-47

Midagahara, Japan [VNUM = 283080]

Midagahara Volcanic Alert Levels (2019)
Japan Meteorological Agency. (2019). Midagahara Volcanic Alert Levels. Volcano Monitoring and Warning Center, Volcano Division, Earthquake and Volcano Department.

Midagahara Volcanic Hazard Map (2018)
Midagahara Volcano Disaster Prevention Council. (2018). Midagahara Volcanic Hazard Map. Toyama Prefecture Disaster Prevention Crisis and Science Division.

Milna, Russia [VNUM = 290161]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Mineral Mountains-Cove Fort, United States [VNUM = 327801]

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Miniques, Chile [VNUM = 355102]

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Miscanti, Chile [VNUM = 355853]

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Miyakejima, Japan [VNUM = 284040]

Miyakejima Volcanic Alert Levels (2017)
Japan Meteorological Agency. (2017). Miyakejima Volcanic Alert Levels. Volcano Monitoring and Warning Center, Volcano Division, Earthquake and Volcano Department.

Miyakejima Disaster Prevention Map (2012)
Myake Village. (2012). Miyakejima Disaster Prevention Map.

Miyakejima volcanic disaster prevention map (1994)
Miyakemura & Miyakejima Volcanic Eruption Hazard Area Prediction Map Preparation Committee. (1994). Miyakejima volcanic disaster prevention map. Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Mocho-Choshuenco, Chile [VNUM = 357130]

Peligros Volcanicos de Chile (2011)
Lara, L.E., Orozco G., Amigo A. & Silva C. (2011). Peligros Volcanicos de Chile. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carte Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 13: 34 p., 1 mapa escala 1:2.000.000. Santiago.

Peligros del Complejo Volcánico Mocho-Choshuenco (2006)
Moreno, H. & Naranjo, J. A. (2006). Peligros del Complejo Volcánico Mocho-Choshuenco, Región de Los Lagos. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Carta Geologica de Chile, Serie Geologia Ambiental, No. 9, 1 mapa escala 1:50,000. Santiago.

Mombacho, Nicaragua [VNUM = 344110]

Lahar Hazards for Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua (2001)
Plate 1 (Color) in: Vallance, J.W., Schilling, S.P., Devoli, G. (2001). Lahar Hazards at Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 01-455, 16 p., 1 plate.

Lahar Hazards for Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua (2001)
Plate 1 (B&W) in: Vallance, J.W., Schilling, S.P., Devoli, G. (2001). Lahar Hazards at Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 01-455, 16 p., 1 plate.

Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes ([?])
Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes.

Momotombito (Momotombo) , Nicaragua [VNUM = 344090]

Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes ([?])
Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes.

Momotombo, Nicaragua [VNUM = 344090]

Mapa de amenaza por caídas de tefra volcán Momotombo (2015)
Figure 6 in: Salinas Pérez, E.E. & Palma López, J.G. (2015). Análisis de la Percepción de la Amenaza Volcánica del Volcán Momotombo - Puerto Momotombo. Managua, 91 p.

Mapa de amenaza por coladas de lavas volcán Momotombo (2015)
Figure 5 in: Salinas Pérez, E.E. & Palma López, J.G. (2015). Análisis de la Percepción de la Amenaza Volcánica del Volcán Momotombo - Puerto Momotombo. Managua, 91 p.

Volcán Momotombo caída de cenizas (2009)
Figure 18 in: Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Atención de Desastres (SINAPRED). (2009). Amenazas y Riesgos Naturales de Nicaragua. Compendio de Mapas. Catálogo de amenazas y riesgos para desastres asociados a fenómenos de la naturaleza. 190 p.

Volcán Momotombo flujo de lava (2009)
Figure 22 in: Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Atención de Desastres (SINAPRED). (2009). Amenazas y Riesgos Naturales de Nicaragua. Compendio de Mapas. Catálogo de amenazas y riesgos para desastres asociados a fenómenos de la naturaleza. 190 p.

Volcán Momotombo flujos piroclásticos (2009)
Figure 20 in: Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Atención de Desastres (SINAPRED). (2009). Amenazas y Riesgos Naturales de Nicaragua. Compendio de Mapas. Catálogo de amenazas y riesgos para desastres asociados a fenómenos de la naturaleza. 190 p.

Mapa de amenaza determinista por caída de cenizas [m] en el volcán Momotombo ([?])
Figure 6-28 in: CAPRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment Initiative. Nicaragua - Tomo I Metodología De Modelación Probabilista De Riesgos Naturales. Informe Técnico ERN-CAPRA-t2-3 Modelación Probabilista De Amenazas Naturales.

Mapa de amenaza determinista por flujos de lava en el volcán Momotombo ([?])
Figure 6-26 in: CAPRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment Initiative. Nicaragua - Tomo I Metodología De Modelación Probabilista De Riesgos Naturales. Informe Técnico ERN-CAPRA-t2-3 Modelación Probabilista De Amenazas Naturales.

Mapa de amenaza determinista por flujos piroclásticos en el volcán Momotombo ([?])
Figure 6-27 in: CAPRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment Initiative. Nicaragua - Tomo I Metodología De Modelación Probabilista De Riesgos Naturales. Informe Técnico ERN-CAPRA-t2-3 Modelación Probabilista De Amenazas Naturales.

Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes ([?])
Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). Mapa de Vulnerabilidades y Peligro ante Volcanes.

Mono Lake Volcanic Field, United States [VNUM = 323110]

Generalized volcanic hazard maps for very high, high, and moderate threat volcanoes compiled and simplified from Miller (1980, 1989), Miller and others (1982), Donnelly-Nolan and others (2007), Clynne and others (2012), White and others (2011), and Robinson and others (2012) (2019)
Figure 8 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing counties and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) administrative regions (coastal, inland, and southern) and mutual aid regions (MARs) I–VI that could be directly affected by volcanic hazards. (2019)
Figure 11 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing Federal, state, and local water storage and distribution centers in relation to moderate, high, and very high threat volcanoes (2019)
Figure 22 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing high-voltage electric transmission lines in relation to volcanic hazard zones (2019)
Figure 16 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of sketched jet flight paths at >18,000 feet altitude above California (2019)
Figure 28 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map showing representative yearly traffic counts on principal road segments in the vicinity of (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 25 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps of 2010 population density in and near (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B ) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D ) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 14 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps showing the classification of land cover around (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 10 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 1 (kernel denisty estimator) (2017)
Figure 7 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 2 (Bayesian update of fault map) (2017)
Figure 9 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 3 (Averaged model) (2017)
Figure 10 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Air traffic routes (gray lines) through California and Nevada. Circle represents the tephra-fall hazard zone for a 1-cm thick deposit, which spreads about 300 km (186 mi) from the Long Valley area. (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Air traffic routes (gray lines) through CA and Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Principal Air Routes Above 18,000 ft Near Long Valley, California.

Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Zones from Potential Vents in Long Valley Caldera, California.

Potential Tephra Fall Hazards for Small to Moderate-Sized Eruptions in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Potential Tephra Fall Hazards for Small to Moderate-Sized Eruptions in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera, Volcano Hazards in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California.

Potential Hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California (1989)
Plate 1 in: Miller, C.D. (1989). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1847, 17 p., 2 tables, 1 plate, scale 1:500,000.

Map of potential volcanic hazards in the central part of the Long Valley-Mono Lake area (1982)
Figure 2 in: Miller, C.D., Mullineaux, D.R., Crandell, D.R. & Bailey, R.A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 877, 10 p.

Potential hazards from airfall ash (1982)
Figure 3 in: Miller, C.D., Mullineaux, D.R., Crandell, D.R. & Bailey, R.A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 877, 10 p.

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Mono-Inyo Craters, United States [VNUM = 323120]

Generalized volcanic hazard maps for very high, high, and moderate threat volcanoes compiled and simplified from Miller (1980, 1989), Miller and others (1982), Donnelly-Nolan and others (2007), Clynne and others (2012), White and others (2011), and Robinson and others (2012) (2019)
Figure 8 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing counties and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) administrative regions (coastal, inland, and southern) and mutual aid regions (MARs) I–VI that could be directly affected by volcanic hazards. (2019)
Figure 11 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing Federal, state, and local water storage and distribution centers in relation to moderate, high, and very high threat volcanoes (2019)
Figure 22 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of California showing high-voltage electric transmission lines in relation to volcanic hazard zones (2019)
Figure 16 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map of sketched jet flight paths at >18,000 feet altitude above California (2019)
Figure 28 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Map showing representative yearly traffic counts on principal road segments in the vicinity of (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 25 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps of 2010 population density in and near (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B ) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D ) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 14 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Maps showing the classification of land cover around (A) Mount Shasta, Medicine Lake volcano, and Lassen Volcanic Center; (B) Clear Lake volcanic field; (C ) Long Valley volcanic region and Ubehebe Craters; and (D) Salton Buttes (2019)
Figure 10 in: Mangan, M., Ball, J., Wood, N., Jones, J.L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J., & Pridmore, C. (2019). California’s exposure to volcanic hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5159, v. 1.1, 49 p.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 1 (kernel denisty estimator) (2017)
Figure 7 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 2 (Bayesian update of fault map) (2017)
Figure 9 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Vent opening probability maps - Model 3 (Averaged model) (2017)
Figure 10 in: Bevilacqua, A., Bursik, M., Patra, A., Pitman, E. B., & Till, R. (2017). Bayesian construction of a long-term vent opening probability map in the Long Valley volcanic region (CA, USA). Statistics in Volcanology, 3(1), 1.

Air traffic routes (gray lines) through California and Nevada. Circle represents the tephra-fall hazard zone for a 1-cm thick deposit, which spreads about 300 km (186 mi) from the Long Valley area. (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Air traffic routes (gray lines) through CA and Nevada. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Principal Air Routes Above 18,000 ft Near Long Valley, California.

Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Map shows hazard zone for pyroclastic flows and surges around existing explosive vents along the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and from potential vents located in Long Valley's south moat. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera Hazards, Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Zones from Potential Vents in Long Valley Caldera, California.

Potential Tephra Fall Hazards for Small to Moderate-Sized Eruptions in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California (2012)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). (2012). Potential Tephra Fall Hazards for Small to Moderate-Sized Eruptions in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California. U.S. Geological Survey. Long Valley Caldera, Volcano Hazards in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California.

Potential Hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California (1989)
Plate 1 in: Miller, C.D. (1989). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1847, 17 p., 2 tables, 1 plate, scale 1:500,000.

Map of potential volcanic hazards in the central part of the Long Valley-Mono Lake area (1982)
Figure 2 in: Miller, C.D., Mullineaux, D.R., Crandell, D.R. & Bailey, R.A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 877, 10 p.

Potential hazards from airfall ash (1982)
Figure 3 in: Miller, C.D., Mullineaux, D.R., Crandell, D.R. & Bailey, R.A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 877, 10 p.

Preliminary Overview Map of Volcanic Hazards in the 48 Coterminous United States (1978)
Mullineaux, D.R. (1978). Preliminary overview map of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 786.

Moyorodake [Medvezhia], Russia [VNUM = 290100]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in the Kuril Islands (1962)
Figure 3 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Mutnovsky, Russia [VNUM = 300060]

Scheme of volcano-geographical zoning in Kamchatka (1962)
Figure 2 in: Markhinin, E. K., Sirin, A. N., Timerbayeva, K. M., & Tokarev, P. I. (1962). Experience of volcanic-geographic zoning of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. Bulletin of the Volcanological Station, Petropavlousk, Kamchatskiy, USSR, 32, 52-70.

Volcán el Muerto (Nevados Ojos del Salado), Chile-Argentina [VNUM = 355130]

Integrated quantitative volcanic hazard map, constructed by adding each probability map (Figures 6A–E), weighted evenly (2022)
Figure 7 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Probabilistic volcanic hazard maps for the Central Volcanic Zone of Chile and Argentina (∼22.5–28°S), obtained after empirical, semi-empirical or analytical modeling (2022)
Figure 6 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability analysis considering: (A) volcanic events, and (B) volcanic events (80%) and structural data (20%) (2022)
Figure 11 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatial probability maps of volcanic activity for our study area (2022)
Figure 3 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.

Spatio-temporal probability maps of future volcanic activity for our study area at different forecasting time intervals (2022)
Figure 4 in: Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., & Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the 22.5–28° S Segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.