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Showing 3 countries


Askja; Iceland (2015)
Areas closed to traffic and hazard areas after the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun and earthquakes in Bárðarbunga in Iceland
National Commisioner of the Icelandic Police. (2015). Press Release 16.03.2015 10:00 Regarding: Reduction of the access controlled area north of Vatnajökull.

Askja; Iceland (2015)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2015). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014-2015 Probability of SO2 Contamination]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Askja; Iceland (2015)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2015). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014-2015 Probability of SO2 Contamination]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Askja; Iceland (2015)
Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu 13.02.2015
Almannavarnir. (2015). Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu. 13.02.2015

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Á litaða svæðinu eru líkur á gasmengun frá eldgosinu. Fim 18 Sep.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Á litaða svæðinu eru líkur á gasmengun frá eldgosinu. Fim 18 Sep.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Ástand fjallvega
Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. (2014). Condition of mountain tracks. Map no. 30, valid from 25 August 2014.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Ástand fjallvega
Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. (2014). Condition of mountain tracks. Map no. 31, valid from 2 September 2014.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Atmospheric dispersion of tephra for a threshold of 2 mg m−3 for all FL for the eruption scenarios of Hekla ERS 1947-type (a, b, c), Katla LLERS (d, e, f) and Askja OES 1875-type (g, h, i)
Figure 13 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Bláa svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir daginn í dag lau 20 Sep
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Bláa svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir daginn í dag lau 20 Sep

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fim 30 okt
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fim 30 okt

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fös 12 des
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fös 12 des

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mán 27 okt
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mán 27 okt

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 15 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 15 okt.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 22 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 22 okt.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið þri 21 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið þri 21 okt.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Bleika svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir morgundaginn Sun 21 Sep
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Bleika svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir morgundaginn Sun 21 Sep

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Dæmi um verulegt sprengigos í Dyngjujökli, jafnþykktarlínur gjóskufalls
Kort Jarðvísindastofnun HÍ. (2014). Dæmi um verulegt sprengigos í Dyngjujökli, jafnþykktarlínur gjóskufalls.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar m.v. 50% líkur á styrk umfram þröskuldsgildi
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014 Hazardous Area SO2 pollution]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar m.v. 90% líkur á styrk umfram þröskuldsgildi
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014 Hazardous Area SO2 pollution]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Expected impacts of tephra dispersal on European airspace sectors
Figure 11 in: Scaini, C., Biass, S., Galderisi, A., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 2: Vulnerability and impact. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2289–2312.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 23 Okt 18:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 23 Okt 18:00

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 30 Okt 15:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 30 Okt 15:00

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 00:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 00:00

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 13:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 13:00

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Jökulsá á Fjöllum Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Jökulsá á Fjöllum Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun á morgun, fimmtudaginn 18. september
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun á morgun, fimmtudaginn 18. september.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun í miðvikudaginn 17. september
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun í miðvikudaginn 17. september.

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu 17.10.2014
Almannavarnir. (2014). Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu. 17.10.2014

Askja; Iceland (2014)
Probability maps (%) for ground accumulation associated with a multi-phase 1875-type eruption at Askja volcano
Figure 11 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2015)
Areas closed to traffic and hazard areas after the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun and earthquakes in Bárðarbunga in Iceland
National Commisioner of the Icelandic Police. (2015). Press Release 16.03.2015 10:00 Regarding: Reduction of the access controlled area north of Vatnajökull.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2015)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2015). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014-2015 Probability of SO2 Contamination]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2015)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2015). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014-2015 Probability of SO2 Contamination]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2015)
Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu 13.02.2015
Almannavarnir. (2015). Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu. 13.02.2015

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Á litaða svæðinu eru líkur á gasmengun frá eldgosinu. Fim 18 Sep.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Á litaða svæðinu eru líkur á gasmengun frá eldgosinu. Fim 18 Sep.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Ástand fjallvega
Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. (2014). Condition of mountain tracks. Map no. 30, valid from 25 August 2014.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Ástand fjallvega
Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. (2014). Condition of mountain tracks. Map no. 31, valid from 2 September 2014.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Bláa svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir daginn í dag lau 20 Sep
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Bláa svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir daginn í dag lau 20 Sep

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fim 30 okt
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fim 30 okt

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fös 12 des
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fös 12 des

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mán 27 okt
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mán 27 okt

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 15 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 15 okt.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 22 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 22 okt.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið þri 21 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið þri 21 okt.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Bleika svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir morgundaginn Sun 21 Sep
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Bleika svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir morgundaginn Sun 21 Sep

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Dæmi um verulegt sprengigos í Dyngjujökli, jafnþykktarlínur gjóskufalls
Kort Jarðvísindastofnun HÍ. (2014). Dæmi um verulegt sprengigos í Dyngjujökli, jafnþykktarlínur gjóskufalls.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar m.v. 50% líkur á styrk umfram þröskuldsgildi
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014 Hazardous Area SO2 pollution]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar m.v. 90% líkur á styrk umfram þröskuldsgildi
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014 Hazardous Area SO2 pollution]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 23 Okt 18:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 23 Okt 18:00

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 30 Okt 15:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 30 Okt 15:00

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 00:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 00:00

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 13:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 13:00

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Jökulsá á Fjöllum Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Jökulsá á Fjöllum Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun á morgun, fimmtudaginn 18. september
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun á morgun, fimmtudaginn 18. september.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun í miðvikudaginn 17. september
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun í miðvikudaginn 17. september.

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (2014)
Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu 17.10.2014
Almannavarnir. (2014). Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu. 17.10.2014

Bárðarbunga; Iceland (1988)
Potential 1 km³ Lava Flows From Hypothetically Located Eruption Fissures Within The Tungná Fissure Swarm, South Central Iceland Rift Zone
Sheet 2 in: Imsland, P. (1988). Volcanic Hazard Map Series. Potential 1 km³ lava flows from hypothetically located eruption fissures within the Tungná Fissure Swarm, South Central Iceland Rift Zone (five sheets). 1:100,000. Nordic Volcanological Institute and National Power Company, Reykjavik. (Simplified from: Imsland. P., 1987. Volcanic Hazards Map: Potential Lawa Flows from hypothetically located Eruption Fissures within the Tungná Fissure Swarm. South Central Iceland Rift Zone. (six sheets in a 1:50,000 scale with 5 m contour interval).

Eldey; Iceland (2019)
Eldey volcanic system - Possible range of isopachs (cm). Based on submarine eruptions on Reykjanes volcanic system
Larsen, G. (2019). Eldey. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: S.P. Jakobsson Unpublished data)

Eldey; Iceland (2019)
Eldey, possible range of isopachs based on submarine eruptions on Reykjanes volcanic system (cm) - After Jakobsson S.P. (Unpublished material)
Larsen, G. (2019). Eldey. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: S.P. Jakobsson Unpublished data)

Eyjafjallajökull; Iceland (2014)
Probability maps (%) for ground accumulation associated with a long-lasting 2010-type eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano
Figure 10 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Grimsvotn; Iceland (2019)
Grímsvötn, tephra fall probability - After Thorarinsson (1974), Gudmundsson et al. (2004), Oddsson et al. (2012), Gudmundsson et al. (2013)
Guðmundsson, M.T. & Larsen, G. (2019). Grímsvötn. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Thorarinsson 1974, Gudmundsson et al. 2004, Oddsson et al. 2012, Gudmundsson et al. 2013)

Grimsvotn; Iceland (2019)
Tephra fall probabilities based on 10 historical Grímsvötn eruptions
Guðmundsson, M.T. & Larsen, G. (2019). Grímsvötn. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Thorarinsson 1974, Gudmundsson et al. 2004, Oddsson et al. 2012, Gudmundsson et al. 2013)

Hekla; Iceland (2019)
Hekla - Vatnafjöll, tephra fall probability - After Larsen and Gíslason (2013)
Larsen, G. & Thordarson, T. (2019). Hekla. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Larsen & Gíslason 2013)

Hekla; Iceland (2019)
Tephra fall probabilities based on 18 historical Hekla eruptions
Larsen, G. & Thordarson, T. (2019). Hekla. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Larsen & Gíslason 2013)

Hekla; Iceland (2014)
Atmospheric dispersion of tephra for a threshold of 2 mg m−3 for all FL for the eruption scenarios of Hekla ERS 1947-type (a, b, c), Katla LLERS (d, e, f) and Askja OES 1875-type (g, h, i)
Figure 13 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Hekla; Iceland (2014)
Expected impacts of tephra dispersal on European airspace sectors
Figure 11 in: Scaini, C., Biass, S., Galderisi, A., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 2: Vulnerability and impact. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2289–2312.

Hekla; Iceland (2014)
Probability maps (%) for ground accumulation for an eruption at Hekla
Figure 8 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2019)
Early simulations carried out before the onset of the effusive eruption
Figure 4 in: Tarquini, S., de'Michieli Vitturi, M., Jensen, E. H., Pedersen, G. B., Barsotti, S., Coppola, D., & Pfeffer, M. A. (2018). Modeling lava flow propagation over a flat landscape by using MrLavaLoba: the case of the 2014–2015 eruption at Holuhraun, Iceland. Annals of Geophysics.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2015)
Areas closed to traffic and hazard areas after the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun and earthquakes in Bárðarbunga in Iceland
National Commisioner of the Icelandic Police. (2015). Press Release 16.03.2015 10:00 Regarding: Reduction of the access controlled area north of Vatnajökull.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2015)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2015). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014-2015 Probability of SO2 Contamination]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2015)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2015). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014-2015 Líkur á SO2 Mengun [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014-2015 Probability of SO2 Contamination]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2015)
Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu 13.02.2015
Almannavarnir. (2015). Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu. 13.02.2015

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Á litaða svæðinu eru líkur á gasmengun frá eldgosinu. Fim 18 Sep.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Á litaða svæðinu eru líkur á gasmengun frá eldgosinu. Fim 18 Sep.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Ástand fjallvega
Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. (2014). Condition of mountain tracks. Map no. 30, valid from 25 August 2014.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Ástand fjallvega
Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. (2014). Condition of mountain tracks. Map no. 31, valid from 2 September 2014.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Bláa svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir daginn í dag lau 20 Sep
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Bláa svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir daginn í dag lau 20 Sep

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fim 30 okt
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fim 30 okt

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fös 12 des
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir fös 12 des

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mán 27 okt
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mán 27 okt

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 15 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 15 okt.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 22 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið 22 okt.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið þri 21 okt.
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Blágræna svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir mið þri 21 okt.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Bleika svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir morgundaginn Sun 21 Sep
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Bleika svæðið sýnir hvar líkur eru á gasmengun frá eldgosinu fyrir morgundaginn Sun 21 Sep

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Dæmi um verulegt sprengigos í Dyngjujökli, jafnþykktarlínur gjóskufalls
Kort Jarðvísindastofnun HÍ. (2014). Dæmi um verulegt sprengigos í Dyngjujökli, jafnþykktarlínur gjóskufalls.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar m.v. 50% líkur á styrk umfram þröskuldsgildi
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014 Hazardous Area SO2 pollution]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar m.v. 90% líkur á styrk umfram þröskuldsgildi
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Eldgos í Holuhrauni 2014 Hættusvæði v. SO2 Mengunar [Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun 2014 Hazardous Area SO2 pollution]. (Reprinted in: Barsotti, S. (2015). Hazard Zoning: Probabilistic hazard maps of SO2 ground concentration for Holuhraun eruption.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 23 Okt 18:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 23 Okt 18:00

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 30 Okt 15:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fim 30 Okt 15:00

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 00:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 00:00

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 13:00
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Gasdreifingarspá. Magn SO2 í andrúmslofti við yfirborð. Fös 19 Sept 13:00

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Jökulsá á Fjöllum Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Jökulsá á Fjöllum Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun á morgun, fimmtudaginn 18. september
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun á morgun, fimmtudaginn 18. september.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun í miðvikudaginn 17. september
Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO). (2014). Litaða svæðið sýnir líklega gasmengun í miðvikudaginn 17. september.

Holuhraun (Askja); Iceland (2014)
Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu 17.10.2014
Almannavarnir. (2014). Lokunarsvæði og hættusvæði vegna eldgoss í Holuhrauni og jarðhræringa í Bárðarbungu. 17.10.2014

Katla; Iceland (2019)
Katla, tephra fall probability - After Larsen and Gíslason (2013)
Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M.T. (2019). Katla. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Larsen and Gíslason 2013)

Katla; Iceland (2019)
Tephra fall probabilities based on 15 historical Katla eruptions
Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M.T. (2019). Katla. In: Oladottir, B., Larsen, G. & Guðmundsson, M. T. Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. Iceland Meteorological Office (IMO), Univeristy of Iceland, and Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Iceland Police (CPD-NCIP). (Simplified from: Larsen & Gíslason 2013)

Katla; Iceland (2014)
Atmospheric dispersion of tephra for a threshold of 2 mg m−3 for all FL for the eruption scenarios of Hekla ERS 1947-type (a, b, c), Katla LLERS (d, e, f) and Askja OES 1875-type (g, h, i)
Figure 13 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Katla; Iceland (2014)
Expected impacts of tephra dispersal on European airspace sectors
Figure 11 in: Scaini, C., Biass, S., Galderisi, A., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 2: Vulnerability and impact. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2289–2312.

Katla; Iceland (2014)
Probability maps (%) for ground accumulation for a longlasting eruption at Katla
Figure 9 in: Biass, S., Scaini, C., Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Smith, K., & Höskuldsson, A. (2014). A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes–Part 1: Hazard assessment. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 14(8), 2265-2287.

Katla; Iceland (No date)
Eruption emergency guidelines – Katla in Mýrdalsjökull: English
Almannavarnir. (2017). Eruption emergency guidelines - Katla in Mýrdalsjökull.

Katla; Iceland (No date)
Katla – Mýrdalsjökull
Almannavarnir. (2017). Katla – Mýrdalsjökull.

Öræfajökull; Iceland (2018)
Map showing potential impact of tephra fallout to roads in case of a 1362-like eruption at Öræfajökull
Figure 9 in: Barsotti, S., Di Rienzo, D. I., Thordarson, T., Björnsson, B. B., & Karlsdóttir, S. (2018). Assessing impact to infrastructures due to tephra fallout from Öræfajökull volcano (Iceland) by using a scenario-based approach and a numerical model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 196.

Öræfajökull; Iceland (2018)
Map showing potential tephra fallout impact to airport in case of a 1362-like eruption at Öræfajökull
Figure 10 in: Barsotti, S., Di Rienzo, D. I., Thordarson, T., Björnsson, B. B., & Karlsdóttir, S. (2018). Assessing impact to infrastructures due to tephra fallout from Öræfajökull volcano (Iceland) by using a scenario-based approach and a numerical model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 196.

Öræfajökull; Iceland (2018)
Map showing potential tephra fallout impact to power-lines in case of a 1362-like eruption at Öræfajökull
Figure 11 in: Barsotti, S., Di Rienzo, D. I., Thordarson, T., Björnsson, B. B., & Karlsdóttir, S. (2018). Assessing impact to infrastructures due to tephra fallout from Öræfajökull volcano (Iceland) by using a scenario-based approach and a numerical model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 196.

Öræfajökull; Iceland (2018)
Probabilistic hazard map for tephra loading higher than 1.0 kg/m2 given an eruption at Öræfajökull as 1362 AD
Figure 6 in: Barsotti, S., Di Rienzo, D. I., Thordarson, T., Björnsson, B. B., & Karlsdóttir, S. (2018). Assessing impact to infrastructures due to tephra fallout from Öræfajökull volcano (Iceland) by using a scenario-based approach and a numerical model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 196.

Öræfajökull; Iceland (2018)
Probabilistic hazard map for tephra loading higher than 100 kg/m² given an eruption at Öræfajökull as 1362 AD
Figure 7 in: Barsotti, S., Di Rienzo, D. I., Thordarson, T., Björnsson, B. B., & Karlsdóttir, S. (2018). Assessing impact to infrastructures due to tephra fallout from Öræfajökull volcano (Iceland) by using a scenario-based approach and a numerical model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 196.

Öræfajökull; Iceland (2018)
Probabilistic hazard map for tephra loading higher than 1000 kg/m² given an eruption at Öræfajökull as 1362 AD
Figure 8 in: Barsotti, S., Di Rienzo, D. I., Thordarson, T., Björnsson, B. B., & Karlsdóttir, S. (2018). Assessing impact to infrastructures due to tephra fallout from Öræfajökull volcano (Iceland) by using a scenario-based approach and a numerical model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 196.

Reykjanes; Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 13. desember 2023.

Reykjanes; Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 19. desember 2023.

Reykjanes; Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 20. nóvember 2023
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 20. nóvember 2023.

Reykjanes; Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, Uppfært 22. nóvember 2023 kl. 14:00
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 20. nóvember 2023.

Reykjanes; Iceland (2020)
Lava flow hazard map of the area potentially affected by an eruption linked to the inflation in the Reykjanes peninsula
Figure 3 in: Tarquini, S., Favalli, M., Pfeffer, M., de'Michieli Vitturi, M., Barsotti, S., Pedersen, G., Óladóttir, B., & Jensen, E. H. (2020). Assessing the impact of lava flows during the 2020 unrest of the Svartsengi volcanic system on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland. Geomorphometry, Perugia, Italy.

Svartsengi (Reykjanes); Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 13. desember 2023.

Svartsengi (Reykjanes); Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 19. desember 2023.

Svartsengi (Reykjanes); Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 20. nóvember 2023
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 20. nóvember 2023.

Svartsengi (Reykjanes); Iceland (2023)
Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, Uppfært 22. nóvember 2023 kl. 14:00
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). (2023). Hættusvæði vegna jarðhræringa, 20. nóvember 2023.

Svartsengi (Reykjanes); Iceland (2020)
Lava flow hazard map of the area potentially affected by an eruption linked to the inflation in the Reykjanes peninsula
Figure 3 in: Tarquini, S., Favalli, M., Pfeffer, M., de'Michieli Vitturi, M., Barsotti, S., Pedersen, G., Óladóttir, B., & Jensen, E. H. (2020). Assessing the impact of lava flows during the 2020 unrest of the Svartsengi volcanic system on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland. Geomorphometry, Perugia, Italy.

Vatnaöldur Fissure (Bárðarbunga); Iceland (1988)
Potential 1 km³ Lava Flows From Hypothetically Located Eruption Fissures Within The Tungná Fissure Swarm, South Central Iceland Rift Zone
Sheet 2 in: Imsland, P. (1988). Volcanic Hazard Map Series. Potential 1 km³ lava flows from hypothetically located eruption fissures within the Tungná Fissure Swarm, South Central Iceland Rift Zone (five sheets). 1:100,000. Nordic Volcanological Institute and National Power Company, Reykjavik. (Simplified from: Imsland. P., 1987. Volcanic Hazards Map: Potential Lawa Flows from hypothetically located Eruption Fissures within the Tungná Fissure Swarm. South Central Iceland Rift Zone. (six sheets in a 1:50,000 scale with 5 m contour interval).


Agung; Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Agung Volcano, Bali Province
Kusnadi, I., Haerani, N., & Bronto, S. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Agung Volcano, Bali Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM). Bandung.

Ambang; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ambang Volcano North Sulawesi Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Haerani, N., Martono, A., Pujowarsito, & Purwoto. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ambang Volcano North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Arjuno-Welirang; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Arjuno Welirang Volcano, East Java Province
Surmayadi, M., Sumpena, A.D., Riyadi, & Dahlan, A. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Arjuno Welirang Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Awu; Indonesia (2016)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Awu Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Kriswati, E., Primulyana, S., & Dirasutisna S. (2016). Volcanic Hazard Map of Awu Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Awu; Indonesia (1996)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Awu Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Dirasutisna, S., Martono, A., Hadisantono, R.D., Pardyanto, L., Effendi, A.C., & Modjo, W.S. (1996). Volcanic Hazard Map of Awu Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Banda Api; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Banda Api Volcano, Maluku Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Nursalim, A., Purwoto, & Sunarman. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Banda Api Volcano, Maluku Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Batu Tara; Indonesia (2012)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Batutara Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Prambada, O., Iryanto, & Bagiarta, G. (2012). Volcanic Hazard Map of Batutara Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Batur; Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Batur Volcano, Bali Province
Primulyana, S., & Bronto, S. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Batur Volcano, Bali Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Bromo (Tengger Caldera); Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Bromo Volcano, East Java Province
Primulyana, S., & Bronto, S. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Bromo Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Bur ni Telong; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Bur Ni Telong Volcano Sumatra, Naggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Rizal, S., Pujowarsito, Purwoto, & Patria, C. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Bur Ni Telong Volcano Sumatra, Naggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ciremai; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ciremai Volcano, West Java Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., & Fathoni M. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ciremai Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ciremai; Indonesia (1937)
Overzichtskaart van den Tjerimai
Neumann van Padang, M. (1937). De uitbarsting van den Tjerimai in 1937 (verschijnselen van Juni t/m September). De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indië. Mijnbouw en Geologie. De Mijningenieur. 4 (12), p. 212-228

Colo; Indonesia (2004)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Colo, Central Sulawesi Province
Chaniago, R., Hadisantono, R.D., Nasution, A., Martono, A., Purtowo, & Santoso, M.S. (2004). Volcanic Hazard Map of Colo, Central Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Dempo; Indonesia (2009)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Dempo Volcano, South Sumatra Province
Surmayadi, M., Heriwaseso, A., Suhadi, D., Effendi, W., & Afatia, N.N. (2009). Volcanic Hazard Map of Dempo Volcano, South Sumatra Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Dieng Volcanic Complex; Indonesia (2011)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Dieng Volcano, Central Java Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Sumpena, A.D., Pujowarsito, & Suherman, W. (2011). Volcanic Hazard Map of Dieng Volcano, Central Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Dieng Volcanic Complex; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Dieng Volcano, Central Java Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Sumpena, A.D., Warsito P., & Wahyu. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Dieng Volcano, Central Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Dukono; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazards Map of Dukono Volcano, North Maluku Province
Wahyudin, D., Karim, A., Nursalim, A., & Purwoto. (2008). Volcanic Hazards Map of Dukono Volcano, North Maluku Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ebulobo; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ebulobo Volcano East Nusatenggara Province
Wahyudin, D., Mulyana, A.R., Karim A., & Riyadi. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ebulobo Volcano East Nusatenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Egon; Indonesia (2005)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Egon Volcano, Sikka Regency, East Nusatenggara Province
Sutawidjaja, I.S., Mulyana, A.R., Chaniago, R., & Taufiqurrahman R. (2005). Volcanic Hazard Map of Egon Volcano, Sikka Regency, East Nusatenggara Province. Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVGHM).

Galunggung; Indonesia (2016)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java Province
Primulyana, S., Hadisantono, R.D., & Kartadinata, M.N. (2016). Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Galunggung; Indonesia (1996)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java
Hadisantono, R.D., Bronto, S., Djuhara, A., & Sumpena, A.D. (1996). Volcanic Hazard Map of Galunggung Volcano, West Java. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Galunggung; Indonesia (1985)
Preliminary hazard map of Galunggung volcano showing extent of nueé ardente and lahar in 1982
Figure 9 in: Suryo, I. & Clarke, M.C.G. (1985). The occurrence and mitigation of volcanic hazards in Indonesia as exemplified at the Mount Merapi, Mount Kelut and Mount Galunggung volcanoes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 18(1), p. 79-98.

Gamalama; Indonesia (1996)
Disaster Prone Zone Map of Gamalama Volcano, Ternate, Maluku
Bacharudin, R., Martono, A., & Djuhara, A. (1996). Disaster Prone Zone Map of Gamalama Volcano, Ternate, Maluku. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Gamkonora; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Gamkonora Volcano, North Maluku Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Primulyana, S., & Fathoni F. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Gamkonora Volcano, North Maluku Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Gede-Pangrango; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., Wahyu, S., & Santoso, M.S. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Gede-Pangrango; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., Wahyu, S., & Santoso, M.S. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Gede Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Guntur; Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Guntur Volcano, West Java Province
Kartadinata, M.N. & Abdurachman, E.K. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Guntur Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Guntur; Indonesia (2003)
Guntur Volcanic Hazard Map
Purbawinata, M.A. & Wirakusumah, A.D. (2003). Crisis preparedness of the people of Tarogong-Garut, a small town on the foot of Guntur Volcano West Java-Indonesia. Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVGHM), Directorate General of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGGMR), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR). UN Early Warning Conference II, Bonn.

Ibu; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazards Map of Ibu Volcano, North Maluku Province
Kadarsetia, E., Mulyana, A.R., Firmansyah, M.N., & Rukada T. (2008). Volcanic Hazards Map of Ibu Volcano, North Maluku Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ijen; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ijen Volcano, East Java Province
Mulyana, A.R., Effendi, W., Karim, A., & Rukada, T. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ijen Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Iliboleng; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ili Boleng Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Taufiqurrohman, R., Mulyana, A.R., Kartadinata, M.N., & Pujowarsito. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ili Boleng Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Iliwerung; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ili Werung Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Kadarsetia, E., Firmansyah, M.N., Dahlan, A., Pujowarsito, & Sumpena, A.D. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ili Werung Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Inielika; Indonesia (2009)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Inielika Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Taufiqurrahman, R., Heriwaseso, A., & Riyadi. (2009). Volcanic Hazard Map of Inielika Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Inierie; Indonesia (2009)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Inie Rie Volcano, East Sunda Lesser Province
Surmayadi, M., Suhadi, D., Taufiqurohman, R., Riyadi, & Rukada, T. (2009). Volcanic Hazard Map of Inie Rie Volcano, East Sunda Lesser Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Iya; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Iya Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Wahyudin, D., Suhadi, S., Wahyudi, Y., Purwoto, & Sulistri, W. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Iya Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Kaba; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Kaba Volcano, Bengkulu Province
Mulyana, A.R., Pujowarsito, & Irianto. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kaba Volcano, Bengkulu Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Karangetang; Indonesia (1996)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Karangetang Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Bronto, S. & Djuhara, A. (1996). Volcanic Hazard Map of Karangetang Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Kelimutu; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Kelimutu Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Mulyana, A.R., Sumpena, A.D., Purwoto, & Wahyudi, Y. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kelimutu Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Kelud; Indonesia (2014)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Kelud Volcano, East Java Province
Primulyana, S., Hariwaseso, A., Zaenuddin, A., & Budianto, A. (2014). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kelud Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Kerinci; Indonesia (2014)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Kerinci Volcano, Jambi and West Sumatera Province
Primulyana, S., Zaennudin, A., Lusy, D.E., & Saragih, A. (2014). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kerinci Volcano, Jambi and West Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Kie Besi; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Kie Besi - Makian Island Volcano, North Maluku
Mulyana, A.R., Bronto, S., Sumpena, A.D., Hadisantono, R.D., & Martono, A. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kie Besi - Makian Island Volcano, North Maluku. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Krakatau; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Anak Krakatau Volcano, Lampung Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., & Martono, A. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Anak Krakatau Volcano, Lampung Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lamongan; Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lamongan Volcano, East Java Province
Irawan, W., Kushendratno, Bronto, S., & Martono, A. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lamongan Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lereboleng (Leroboleng); Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lereboleng Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Taufiqurrohman, R., Pujowarsito, & Mulyana, A.R. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lereboleng Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Leroboleng; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lereboleng Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Taufiqurrohman, R., Pujowarsito, & Mulyana, A.R. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lereboleng Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lewotobi; Indonesia (2009)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lewotobi Laki-Laki - Perempuan Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Mulyana, A.R., Pujowarsito, Sudradjat, G.M., & Solihin, A. (2009). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lewotobi Laki-Laki - Perempuan Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lewotolo (Lewotolok); Indonesia (2024)
Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level III/SIAGA)
Pusat Vulanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG). (2024). Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level III/SIAGA). Penyampaian Peningkatan Tingkat Aktivitas G. Ili Lewotolok, Nusa Tenggara Timur dari Level I (Waspada) ke Level I (Siaga) tanggal 27 Februari 2024 Pukul 10:00 WITA.

Lewotolo (Lewotolok); Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lewotolo Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Mulyana, A.R., Nursalim, A., Rukada, T., & Ridwan, I. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lewotolo Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lewotolok; Indonesia (2024)
Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level II/WASPADA)
Pusat Vulanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG). (2024). Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level II/WASPADA). Press Release PERLUASAN JARAK REKOMENDASI GUNUNGAPI ILI LEWOTOLOK 24 FEBRUARI 2024 PUKUL 17:00 WITA.

Lewotolok; Indonesia (2024)
Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level III/SIAGA)
Pusat Vulanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG). (2024). Peta Rekomendasi G. Ile Lewotolo Provinsi NTT (Level III/SIAGA). Penyampaian Peningkatan Tingkat Aktivitas G. Ili Lewotolok, Nusa Tenggara Timur dari Level I (Waspada) ke Level I (Siaga) tanggal 27 Februari 2024 Pukul 10:00 WITA.

Lewotolok; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lewotolo Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Mulyana, A.R., Nursalim, A., Rukada, T., & Ridwan, I. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lewotolo Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lokon-Empung; Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lokon Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Kartadinata, M.N. & Hadisantono, R.D. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lokon Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Lokon-Empung; Indonesia (2012)
Lokon Volcano, Indonesia - Areas at Risk
World Food Programme. (2012). Lokon Volcano, Indonesia - Areas at Risk. World Food Prgramme, Emergency Preparedness an Response Branch (OMEP).

Lokon-Empung; Indonesia (2000)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Lokon Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Sumpena, A.D., & Santoso, M.S. (2000). Volcanic Hazard Map of Lokon Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Mahawu; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahawu Volcano North Sulawesi Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Mulyana, A.R., Sumpena, A.D., Martono, A., & Riyadi. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Mahawu Volcano North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Makian (Kie Besi); Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Kie Besi - Makian Island Volcano, North Maluku
Mulyana, A.R., Bronto, S., Sumpena, A.D., Hadisantono, R.D., & Martono, A. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Kie Besi - Makian Island Volcano, North Maluku. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Marapi; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Marapi Volcano, West Sumatera Province
Dana, I.N., Santoso, M.S., Karim, A., & Riyadi. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Marapi Volcano, West Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Merapi; Indonesia (2012)
Risk Map of Sumber, Klakah Village, Magelang
Figure 5 (in reprint) in: Marmen, Sri Lestari, Sinta Oktavia, & Waginah. (2012). Risk Map of Sumber, Klakah Village, Magelang. (Reprinted in: Andreastuti, S., Budianto, A., & Paripurno, E.T. (2017). Integrating social and physical perspectives of mitigation policy and practice in Indonesia. In: Fearnley, C.J., Bird, D.K., Haynes, K., McGuire, W.J., Jolly, G. (Eds.) Observing the Volcano World (p. 307-320). Springer, Cham.

Merapi; Indonesia (2010)
Mount Merapi Volcanic Activity Java, 26.10.10
World Food Programme. (2010). Indonesia: Java - Mount Merapi Volcanic Activity - as of 26 Oct 2010.

Merapi; Indonesia (2010)
Peta Hazard Awan Panas Gn. Merapi Sebelum dan Sesudah 3 November 2010
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Puslitbang Jalan dan Jembatan. (2010). Peta Hazard Awan Panas Gn. Merapi Sebelum dan Sesudah 3 November 2010.

Merapi; Indonesia (2010)
Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 2010
Sayudi, D.S., Nurnaning A., Juliani Dj., & Muzani, M. (2010). Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Merapi, Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 2010. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation.

Merapi; Indonesia (2010)
Peta Sementara Kawasan Rawanbencana G. Merapi Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Badan Geologi - Kementerian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral Badan Geologi, Pusat Vulkanologi Dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Balai Penyelidikan Dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK). (2010). Peta Sementara Kawasan Rawanbencana G. Merapi Jawa Tengah Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

Merapi; Indonesia (2008)
Pyroclastic Flow and Surge Hazard Map Merapi Volcano (Gendol River)
Figure 5 in: Widiwijayanti, C., Voight, B., Hidayat, D., & Schilling, S. P. (2009). Objective rapid delineation of areas at risk from block-and-ash pyroclastic flows and surges. Bulletin of Volcanology, 71(6), p. 687-703.

Merapi; Indonesia (2007)
Batur Community Hazard Map
Figure 5.5 in: Donovan, K.H.M. (2010). Cultural responses to volcanic hazards on Mt Merapi, Indonesia. University of Plymouth, PhD Dissertation.

Merapi; Indonesia (2007)
The hazard map for Pelem Sari
Figure 5.6 in: Donovan, K.H.M. (2010). Cultural responses to volcanic hazards on Mt Merapi, Indonesia. University of Plymouth, PhD Dissertation.

Merapi; Indonesia (2002)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Merapi Volcano, Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Andreastuti, M.CH.S.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Sayudi, D.S., Nurnusanto, I., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., & Muzani, M. (2002). Volcanic Hazard Map of Merapi Volcano, Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Province. Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVGHM).

Merapi; Indonesia (2000)
Hazard-zone map for the 'Merapi-type' eruption scenario, based on the 1961-1996 events (VEI 2-3)
Figure 4 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Merapi; Indonesia (2000)
Hazard-zone map for the 'subplinian' eruption scenario, based on the 1872 eruption (VEI 4), and for the 'worst-case' scenario, based on historical eruptions (>VEI 4)
Figure 6 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Merapi; Indonesia (2000)
Lahar and flood hazard
Figure 9 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Merapi; Indonesia (2000)
Part of an orthoimage draped Digital Elevation Model which illustrated the simulation of gravity-driven pyroclastic currents.
Figure 7 in: Thouret, J.-C., Lavigne, F., Kelfoun, K., & Bronto, S. (2000). Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 100(1-4), p. 479-502.

Merapi; Indonesia (1996)
Hazard Map of Merapi
Purbawinata, M. A., Ratdomopurbo, A., Sinulingga, I. K., Sumarti, S., & Suharno, I. (1996). Merapi volcano – guide book. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI), Bandung. (Reprinted in: Gerstenecker, C., Läufer, G., Steineck, D., Tiede, C., & Wrobel, B. (2005). Validation of digital elevation models around Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 5(6), 863-876.

Merapi; Indonesia (1985)
Volcanic hazard map, Merapi volcano
Figure 8 in: Suryo, I., & Clarke, M.C.G. (1985). The occurrence and mitigation of volcanic hazards in Indonesia as exemplified at the Mount Merapi, Mount Kelut and Mount Galunggung volcanoes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 18(1), p. 79-98.

Merapi; Indonesia (1978)
Peta Daerah Bahaya Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah
Pardyanto, L., Reksowirogo, L.D., Mitrohartono, F.X.S., & Hardjowarsito, S.H. (1978). Peta Daerah Bahaya Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah (Volcanic Hazard Map Merapi Volcano, Central Java). Geological Survey of Indonesia (GSI), scale 1:100,000

Paluweh; Indonesia (2013)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Rokatenda Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Prambada, O., Primulyana, S., Zaennudin, A., Kristianto, Mulyana, A.R., Heriwaseso, A., Pujowarsito, Purwoto, & Ridwan, I. (2013). Volcanic Hazard Map of Rokatenda Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Papandayan; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Papandayan Volcano, West Java Province
Mulyana, A.R., Solihin, A., & Pujowarsito. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Papandayan Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Peuet Sague; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Peut Sague Volcano, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Rizal, S., Sumpena, A.D., & Pujowarsito. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Peut Sague Volcano, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Pusuk Bukit (Toba); Indonesia (2011)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Pusuk Bukit Volcano, North Sumatera Province
Kushendratno, Zaennudin, A., & Efrita Lusy. (2011). Volcanic Hazard Map of Pusuk Bukit Volcano, North Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ranakah; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Anak Ranakah Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Wahyudin, D., Kartadinata, M.N., Karim, A., & Dahlan A. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Anak Ranakah Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Raung; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Raung Volcano, East Java Province
Mulyana, A.R., Sumpena, A.D., Pujowarsito, Ridwan, I., & Rukada, T. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Raung Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Rinjani; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Rinjani Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Heriwaseso, A., Pujowarsito, Riyadi, & Dahlan, A. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Rinjani Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Rokatenda (Paluweh); Indonesia (2013)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Rokatenda Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Prambada, O., Primulyana, S., Zaennudin, A., Kristianto, Mulyana, A.R., Heriwaseso, A., Pujowarsito, Purwoto, & Ridwan, I. (2013). Volcanic Hazard Map of Rokatenda Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ruang; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Ruang Volcano North Sulawesi Province
Mulyana, A.R., Abdurachman, E.K., Kadarsetia, E., Firmansyah, M.N., & Pujowarsito. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Ruang Volcano North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Ruang; Indonesia (1937)
G. Raoeng
Neumann van Padang, M. (1937). De gevaarlijke stroken om den Raoeng. De bergcultures : officieel orgaan van het Algemeen Landbouw Syndicaat, 11 (8), p. 229-237.

Salak; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Salak Volcano, West Java Province
Haerani, N., Hadisantono, R.D., Martono, A., & Sumpena, A.D. (2006). Volcanic Hazazrd Map of Salak Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sangeang Api; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Sangeang Api Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara Province
Mulyana, A.R., Taufiqurrahman, R., Heriwaseso, A., Pujowarsito, Dahlan, A., & Ridwan, I. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sangeang Api Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Semeru; Indonesia (1996)
Disaster Prone Zone Map of Semeru Volcano, East Java
Bronto, S., Hamidi, S., & Martono, A. (1996). Disaster Prone Zone Map of Semeru Volcano, East Java. Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI).

Seulawah Agam; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Seulawahagam Volcano, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Patria, C., & Purwoto. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Seulawahagam Volcano, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sinabung; Indonesia (2014)
Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Sinabung, Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Gunawan, H., Mulyana, A.R., Solihin, A., Pujowarsito, & Riyadi. (2014). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sinabung Volcano, North Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sinabung; Indonesia (2013)
Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Sinabung, Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Gunawan, H., Mulyana, A.R., Solihin, A., Pujowarsito, & Riyadi. (2013). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sinabung Volcano, North Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sinabung; Indonesia (2011)
Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunungapi Sinabung, Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Mulyana, A.R., Solihin, A., Pujowarsito, & Riyadi. (2011). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sinabung Volcano, North Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sinabung; Indonesia (No date)
Peta Daerah Bamaya G. Sinabung, Sumatra Utara
Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM). (Year Unknown). Peta Daerah Bamaya G. Sinabung, Sumatra Utara. Reprinted in: Global Volcanism Program. (2010). Report on Sinabung (Indonesia) (Wunderman, R., ed.). Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 35:7. Smithsonian Institution.

Sirung; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Sirung Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Surmayadi, M., Heriwaseso, A., Riyadi, & Karim, A. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sirung Volcano, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Slamet; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Slamet Volcano, Central Java Province
Abdurachman, E.K., Hadisantono, R.D., Sumpena, A.D., Warsito, P., & Kadarsetia, E. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Slamet Volcano, Central Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Soputan; Indonesia (2012)
LAHARZ model results for the lahar inundation of 100,000 (dark orange), 300,000 (light orange), 1,000,000 (light yellow), and 3,000,000 m³ (dark yellow)
Figure 22 in: Kushendratno, Pallister, J.S., Kristianto, Bina, F.R., McCausland, W., Carn, S., Haerani, N., Griswold, J., & Keeler, R. (2012). Recent explosive eruptions and volcano hazards at Soputan volcano—a basalt stratovolcano in north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bulletin of volcanology, 74(7), 1581-1609.

Soputan; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Soputan Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Abdurachman, E.K., Surmayadi, M., & Martono, A. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Soputan Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sorikmarapi; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Sorik Marapi Volcano, North Sumatera Province
Kadarsetia, E., Chaniago, R., Nasution, A., Purwoto, Rukada, T., & Dahlan, A. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sorik Marapi Volcano, North Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sumbing; Indonesia (2006)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Sumbing Volcano, Central Java Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., & Dahlan, A. (2006). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sumbing Volcano, Central Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Sundoro; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Sundoro Volcano, Central Java Province
Mulyana, A.R., Martono, A., Sumpena, A.D., Riyadi, & Suherman, W. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Sundoro Volcano, Central Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Talagabodas; Indonesia (2011)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Talaga Bodas Volcano, West Java Province
Andriany, E.L. & Prambada, O. (2011). Volcanic Hazard Map of Talaga Bodas. Volcano, West Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Talang; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Talang Volcano, West Sumatera Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Sumpena, A.D., Martono, A., Warsito, P., & Kadarsetia, E. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Talang Volcano, West Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Tambora; Indonesia (2008)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Tambora Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Kartadinata, M.N., Sumpena, A.D., Nursalim, A., & Riyadi. (2008). Volcanic Hazard Map of Tambora Volcano, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Tandikat-Singgalang; Indonesia (2007)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Tandikat Volcano, West Sumatera Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Pujowarsito, & Ridwan, I. (2007). Volcanic Hazard Map of Tandikat Volcano, West Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Tangkoko (Tangkoko-Duasudara); Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Tangkoko Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Heriwaseso, A., Karim, A., & Ridwan, I. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Tangkoko Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Tangkoko-Duasudara; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Tangkoko Volcano, North Sulawesi Province
Kartadinata, M.N., Heriwaseso, A., Karim, A., & Ridwan, I. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Tangkoko Volcano, North Sulawesi Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Tangkuban Parahu; Indonesia (2005)
Volcanic Hazards Map of Tangkubanparahu Volcano, West Java Province
Hadisantono, R.D., Sumpena, A.D., Warsito, P., & Martono, A. (2005). Volcanic Hazards Map of Tangkubanparahu Volcano, West Java Province. Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVGHM).

Tengger Caldera; Indonesia (2015)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Bromo Volcano, East Java Province
Primulyana, S., & Bronto, S. (2015). Volcanic Hazard Map of Bromo Volcano, East Java Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Toba; Indonesia (2011)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Pusuk Bukit Volcano, North Sumatera Province
Kushendratno, Zaennudin, A., & Efrita Lusy. (2011). Volcanic Hazard Map of Pusuk Bukit Volcano, North Sumatera Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).

Wurlali; Indonesia (2010)
Volcanic Hazard Map of Wurlali Volcanoes, Maluku Province
Mulyana, A.R., Purwoto, Dahlan, A., Rochendi, D., & Supartono, H. (2010). Volcanic Hazard Map of Wurlali Volcanoes, Maluku Province. Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM).


Campi Flegrei; Italy (2016)
Frequencies of PDC arrival computed using EC simulations and PDC deposits at Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei
Figure 8c-d in: Tierz, P., Sandri, L., Costa, A., Zaccarelli, L., Di Vito, M. A., Sulpizio, R., & Marzocchi, W. (2016). Suitability of energy cone for probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment: validation tests at Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(11).

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2015)
Campi Flegrei Mappa di Delimitazione della "Zona Gialla"
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2015). Campi Flegrei Mappa di Delimitazione della "Zona Gialla" - Aggiornamento Pianificazione Nazionale di Emergenza per Rischio Vulcanico.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2014)
Campi Flegrei "Zona Rossa"
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2014). Campi Flegrei "Zona Rossa" - Aggiornamento Pianificazione Nazionale di Emergenza per Rischio Vulcanico.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2004)
Areas at variable probability of invasion by pyroclastic currents
Figure 15 in: Orsi, G., Di Vito, M. A., & Isaia, R. (2004). Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless Campi Flegrei caldera. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66(6), p. 514-530.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2004)
Areas at variable probability of vent opening
Figure 11 in: Orsi, G., Di Vito, M. A., & Isaia, R. (2004). Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless Campi Flegrei caldera. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66(6), p. 514-530.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2004)
Areas of probable load on the ground of particle fallout
Figure 14 in: Orsi, G., Di Vito, M. A., & Isaia, R. (2004). Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless Campi Flegrei caldera. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66(6), p. 514-530.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2004)
Volcanic hazard map of the Campi Flegrei caldera
Figure 16 in: Orsi, G., Di Vito, M. A., & Isaia, R. (2004). Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless Campi Flegrei caldera. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66(6), p. 514-530.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2002)
Vent equiprobability fatal impact maps representing how many times an area can be hit by pyroclastic density currents for VEI=3 eruptions and for VEI=4 eruptions
Figure 7 in: Alberico, I., Lirer, L., Petrosino, P., & Scandone, R. (2002). A methodology for the evaluation of long-term volcanic risk from pyroclastic flows in Campi Flegrei (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 116(1-2), p. 63-78.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (2001)
Volcanic hazard areas for hypothesised accumulation of pyroclastic density current deposits
Figure 4 in: Lirer, L., Petrosino, P., & Alberico, I. (2001). Hazard assessment at volcanic fields: the Campi Flegrei case history. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 112(1-4), p. 53-73.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (1984)
After event hazard map of the A.D. 1538 Monte Nuevo eruption
Figure 2 in: Rosi, M., & Santacroce, R. (1984). Volcanic hazard assessment in the Phlegraean Fields: a contribution based on stratigraphic and historical data. Bulletin Volcanologique, 47(2), p. 359-370.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (1984)
After event hazard map of the Agnano Monte Spina eruption (about 4,400 y.b.p.)
Figure 4 in: Rosi, M. & Santacroce, R. (1984). Volcanic hazard assessment in the Phlegraean Fields: a contribution based on stratigraphic and historical data. Bulletin Volcanologique, 47(2), p. 359-370.

Campi Flegrei; Italy (No date)
Piano Nazionale di Protezione Civile Campi Flegrei
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. Piano Nazionale di Protezione Civile Campi Flegrei.

Etna; Italy (2020)
Oblique view of the hazard map showing the potential for lava flow inundation on Mt. Etna
Figure 2 in: Del Negro, C., Cappello, A., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., Hérault, A., & Zago, V. (2020). Living at the edge of an active volcano: Risk from lava flows on Mt. Etna. GSA Bulletin, 132(7-8), 1615-1625.

Etna; Italy (2020)
Oblique view of the risk map for lava flow inundation on the flanks of Mt. Etna for the next 50 years
Figure 5 in: Del Negro, C., Cappello, A., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., Hérault, A., & Zago, V. (2020). Living at the edge of an active volcano: Risk from lava flows on Mt. Etna. GSA Bulletin, 132(7-8), 1615-1625.

Etna; Italy (2019)
Evacuation times to reach the safe zone based on walking speed of 3.3 km h^−1
Figure 4 in: Osman, S., Rossi, E., Bonadonna, C., Frischknecht, C., Andronico, D., Cioni, R., & Scollo, S. (2019). Exposure-based risk assessment and emergency management associated with the fallout of large clasts at Mount Etna. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(3), 589-610.

Etna; Italy (2019)
Evacuation times to reach the safe zone based on walking speed of 3.3 km h^−1, assuming people start a maximum of 300 m from any path, with (a) one shelter and (b) two shelters
Figure 5 in: Osman, S., Rossi, E., Bonadonna, C., Frischknecht, C., Andronico, D., Cioni, R., & Scollo, S. (2019). Exposure-based risk assessment and emergency management associated with the fallout of large clasts at Mount Etna. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(3), 589-610.

Etna; Italy (2019)
Probability map showing exposure of infrastructure to impact from a 5 cm clast
Figure 3 in: Osman, S., Rossi, E., Bonadonna, C., Frischknecht, C., Andronico, D., Cioni, R., & Scollo, S. (2019). Exposure-based risk assessment and emergency management associated with the fallout of large clasts at Mount Etna. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(3), 589-610.

Etna; Italy (2013)
Hazard map by lava flow inundation at Mt. Etna, based on 28,908 simulations of lava flow paths starting from 4,818 different potential vents.
Figure 3 in: Del Negro, C., Cappello, A., Neri, M., Bilotta, G., Hérault, A., & Ganci, G. (2013). Lava flow hazards at Mount Etna: constraints imposed by eruptive history and numerical simulations. Scientific Reports, 3(1).

Etna; Italy (2013)
Hazard map for lava flow inundation at Etna’s summit area.
Figure 5 in: Del Negro, C., Cappello, A., Neri, M., Bilotta, G., Hérault, A., & Ganci, G. (2013). Lava flow hazards at Mount Etna: constraints imposed by eruptive history and numerical simulations. Scientific Reports, 3(1).

Etna; Italy (2013)
Spatiotemporal probability map of vent opening at Mt. Etna for the next 10 years within the summit area
Figure 4 in: Del Negro, C., Cappello, A., Neri, M., Bilotta, G., Hérault, A., & Ganci, G. (2013). Lava flow hazards at Mount Etna: constraints imposed by eruptive history and numerical simulations. Scientific Reports, 3(1).

Etna; Italy (2013)
Spatiotemporal probability map of vent opening at Mt. Etna for the next 50 years
Figure 2 in: Del Negro, C., Cappello, A., Neri, M., Bilotta, G., Hérault, A., & Ganci, G. (2013). Lava flow hazards at Mount Etna: constraints imposed by eruptive history and numerical simulations. Scientific Reports, 3(1).

Etna; Italy (2011)
ASTER-derived land classification map of Fig. 3 overlain with effusion rate contours for the 2,000-m vent zone and the modified Guest and Murray (1979) vent zone
Figure 6 in: Harris, A. J., Favalli, M., Wright, R., & Garbeil, H. (2011). Hazard assessment at Mount Etna using a hybrid lava flow inundation model and satellite-based land classification. Natural Hazards, 58(3), 1001-1027.

Etna; Italy (2011)
FLOWGO simulation results when run from the 2,000-m vent zone, and the modified Guest and Murray (1979) vent zone.
Figure 2 in: Harris, A. J., Favalli, M., Wright, R., & Garbeil, H. (2011). Hazard assessment at Mount Etna using a hybrid lava flow inundation model and satellite-based land classification. Natural Hazards, 58(3), 1001-1027.

Etna; Italy (2009)
Map of the probability of lava flow inundation of Mount Etna from flank vents at elevations above 2000 m
Figure 5 in: Favalli, M., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T., & Boschi, E. (2009). Topographic control on lava flow paths at Mount Etna, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F1).

Etna; Italy (2009)
Map of the probability of lava flow inundation of Mount Etna from flank vents at elevations above 2000 m calculated assuming a uniform probability of vent opening.
Figure 7 in: Favalli, M., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T., & Boschi, E. (2009). Topographic control on lava flow paths at Mount Etna, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F1).

Etna; Italy (2009)
Map of the probability of lava flow inundation of the Mount Etna area by flank eruptions sourced according to the observed density of vent occurrences
Figure 4 in: Favalli, M., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T., & Boschi, E. (2009). Topographic control on lava flow paths at Mount Etna, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F1).

Etna; Italy (2009)
Map of the probability of lava flow inundation of the Mount Etna area by new eruptions from vents opened at elevations above 3000 m (calculated using a uniform probability of vent opening)
Figure 6 in: Favalli, M., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T., & Boschi, E. (2009). Topographic control on lava flow paths at Mount Etna, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F1).

Etna; Italy (2009)
Map of the vent opening probability
Figure 2 in: Favalli, M., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T., & Boschi, E. (2009). Topographic control on lava flow paths at Mount Etna, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F1).

Etna; Italy (2009)
Map of volcano sectors likely to generate lava flows which may invade selected villages at the foot of Mount Etna. SC, summit craters; VDB, Valle del Bove
Figure 12 in: Favalli, M., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T., & Boschi, E. (2009). Topographic control on lava flow paths at Mount Etna, Italy: implications for hazard assessment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 114(F1).

Etna; Italy (2005)
Hazard zones 1 (highest hazard) to 6 (lowest hazard, but highest vulnerability) based on the volcanological parameters of past eruptions, high vent density areas, and present day morphology
Figure 6 in: Behncke, B., Neri, M., & Nagay, A. (2005). Lava flow hazard at Mount Etna (Italy): new data from a GIS-based study. In: Manga, M. and Ventura, G. Kinematics and Dynamics of Lava Flows. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 396.

Etna; Italy (1979)
The possible maximum extent of lava flows erupted from the outer edge of the area marked in Fig, 2 as having more than 1 vent per km²
Figure 3 in: Guest, J.E. & Murray, J.B. (1979). An analysis of hazard from Mount Etna volcano. Journal of the Geological Society, 136(3), p. 347-354.

Ischia; Italy (2014)
Volcanic hazard and territorial evolution at Ischia Island (Southern Italy) from 1936 to 2004
Supplemental material in: Alberico, I., & Petrosino, P. (2014). Territorial evolution and volcanic hazard, Ischia island (southern Italy). Journal of Maps, 10(2), 238-248.

Ischia; Italy (2014)
Volcanic hazard map of Ischia Island
Figure 2 in: Alberico, I., & Petrosino, P. (2014). Territorial evolution and volcanic hazard, Ischia island (southern Italy). Journal of Maps, 10(2), 238-248. (Modified from Alberico et al. 2008)

Ischia; Italy (2008)
PyF equiprobability hazard maps for eruptions with VEI = 3 and VEI = 4
Figure 9 in: Alberico, I., Lirer, L., Petrosino, P., & Scandone, R. (2008). Volcanic hazard and risk assessment from pyroclastic flows at Ischia island (southern Italy). Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 171(1-2), 118-136.

Ischia; Italy (2008)
PyF risk map for VEI = 3 and VEI = 4
Figure 13 in: Alberico, I., Lirer, L., Petrosino, P., & Scandone, R. (2008). Volcanic hazard and risk assessment from pyroclastic flows at Ischia island (southern Italy). Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 171(1-2), 118-136.

Ischia; Italy (2008)
PyF weighted hazard maps for eruptions with VEI=3 and VEI=4
Figure 10 in: Alberico, I., Lirer, L., Petrosino, P., & Scandone, R. (2008). Volcanic hazard and risk assessment from pyroclastic flows at Ischia island (southern Italy). Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 171(1-2), 118-136.

Ischia; Italy (2008)
Vent Opening Probability map for Ischia island
Figure 6 in: Alberico, I., Lirer, L., Petrosino, P., & Scandone, R. (2008). Volcanic hazard and risk assessment from pyroclastic flows at Ischia island (southern Italy). Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 171(1-2), 118-136.

La Fossa (Vulcano); Italy (2016)
Probability maps (%) of VBPs exceeding energies of (A) 60 J and (B) 8000 J. Energy maps for probabilities of occurrence within a given pixel of (C) 10% and (D) 90%.
Figure 6 in: Biass, S., Falcone, J. L., Bonadonna, C., Di Traglia, F., Pistolesi, M., Rosi, M., & Lestuzzi, P. (2016). Great Balls of Fire: A probabilistic approach to quantify the hazard related to ballistics—A case study at La Fossa volcano, Vulcano Island, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 325, 1-14.

Stromboli; Italy (2024)
(a) Map of the dNBR obtained using the NBR indexes from the Sentinel-2 images acquired on 22 May and 1 June 2022; (b) cumulative probability of combustion given by 100-run numerical simulations
Figure 9 in: Guardo, R., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., Zuccarello, F., Andronico, D., & Cappello, A. (2024). Modeling Fire Hazards Induced by Volcanic Eruptions: The Case of Stromboli (Italy). Fire, 7(3), 70.

Stromboli; Italy (2024)
(a) Map of the dNBR obtained using the NBR indexes from the Sentinel-2 images acquired on 2 and 7 July 2019; (b) cumulative probability of combustion given by 100-run numerical simulations
Figure 7 in: Guardo, R., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., Zuccarello, F., Andronico, D., & Cappello, A. (2024). Modeling Fire Hazards Induced by Volcanic Eruptions: The Case of Stromboli (Italy). Fire, 7(3), 70.

Stromboli; Italy (2014)
Volcanic and tsunami hazard map at Stromboli Island
Figure 2 in: Di Traglia, F., Nolesini, T., Intrieri, E., Mugnai, F., Leva, D., Rosi, M., & Casagli, N. (2014). Review of ten years of volcano deformations recorded by the ground-based InSAR monitoring system at Stromboli volcano: a tool to mitigate volcano flank dynamics and intense volcanic activity. Earth-Science Reviews, 139, 317-335.

Stromboli; Italy (2010)
Volcanic and Tsunami Risk Maps of Stromboli Island (Italy)
Supplemental Material in: Nave, R., Isaia, R., Vilardo, G., & Barclay, J. (2010). Re-assessing volcanic hazard maps for improving volcanic risk communication: application to Stromboli Island, Italy. Journal of Maps, 6(1), p. 260-269.

Stromboli; Italy (1993)
Hazard zonation map
Figure 8 in: Barberi, F., Rosi, M., & Sodi, A. (1993). Volcanic hazard assessment at Stromboli based on review of historical data. Acta Vulcanologica, 3, 173-187. (Reprinted in: Nave, R., Isaia, R., Vilardo, G., & Barclay, J. (2010). Re-assessing volcanic hazard maps for improving volcanic risk communication: application to Stromboli Island, Italy. Journal of Maps, 6(1), p. 260-269.)

Vesuvius; Italy (2017)
Hazard footprints of flow depth for rain-triggered lahars at four selected locations (simulation groups) on Somma-Vesuvius and surroundings (Italy) computed with the deterministic lahar model LaharFlow
Figure 9 in: Tierz, P., Woodhouse, M.J., Phillips, J.C., Sandri, L., Selva, J., Marzocchi, W., & Odbert, H.M. (2017). A framework for probabilistic multi-hazard assessment of rain-triggered lahars using Bayesian belief networks. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5 (73).

Vesuvius; Italy (2017)
Probabilistic multi-hazard assessment of rain-triggered lahars at Somma-Vesuvius (Italy).
Figure 10 in: Tierz, P., Woodhouse, M.J., Phillips, J.C., Sandri, L., Selva, J., Marzocchi, W., & Odbert, H.M. (2017). A framework for probabilistic multi-hazard assessment of rain-triggered lahars using Bayesian belief networks. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5 (73).

Vesuvius; Italy (2017)
Tavola di inquadramento delle "Aree di incontro" per il trasporto assistito e dei "cancelli" di primo livello
Annex 3 in: Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2017). Delibera della Giunta Regionale n. 8 del 17/01/2017. Direzione Generale 8 - Direzione Generale per i lavori pubblici e la protezione civile.

Vesuvius; Italy (2016)
Frequencies of PDC arrival computed using EC simulations and PDC deposits at Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei
Figure 8a-b in: Tierz, P., Sandri, L., Costa, A., Zaccarelli, L., Di Vito, M. A., Sulpizio, R., & Marzocchi, W. (2016). Suitability of energy cone for probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment: validation tests at Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(11).

Vesuvius; Italy (2015)
Vesuvio Mappa di Delimitazione della "Zona Gialla"
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2017). Vesuvio Mappa di Delimitazione della "Zona Gialla". Piano di Emergenza dell'Area Vesuviana 2015.

Vesuvius; Italy (2014)
Pianificazione di emergenza per rischio vulcanico del Vesuvio Zona Rossa
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2014). Pianificazione di emergenza per rischio vulcanico del Vesuvio Zona Rossa.

Vesuvius; Italy (2013)
Mappe Zona Rossa Area Vesuviana – Nuovo Scenario
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. (2013). Mappe Zona Rossa Area Vesuviana – Nuovo Scenario.

Vesuvius; Italy (2010)
Lahars, Floods, Debris Avalanches, Rockslides
Figure 7 in: Mastrolorenzo, G., & Pappalardo, L. (2010). Hazard assessment of explosive volcanism at Somma‐Vesuvius. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B12).

Vesuvius; Italy (2010)
VEI 4 Magmatic fallout scenario, VEI 4 phreatomagmatic fallout scenario, VEI 4 concentrated PDC scenario, VEI 4 dilute PDC scenario
Figure 5 in: Mastrolorenzo, G., & Pappalardo, L. (2010). Hazard assessment of explosive volcanism at Somma‐Vesuvius. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B12).

Vesuvius; Italy (2010)
VEI 5 Magmatic fallout scenario, VEI 5 phreatomagmatic fallout scenario, VEI 5 concentrated PDC scenario, VEI 5 dilute PDC scenario
Figure 6 in: Mastrolorenzo, G., & Pappalardo, L. (2010). Hazard assessment of explosive volcanism at Somma‐Vesuvius. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B12).

Vesuvius; Italy (2010)
Volcanic explosivity index (VEI) 2 magmatic and phreatomagmatic fallout conditional probability of minimum tephra load leading to roof collapse (200 kg/m2). VEI 3 magmatic and phreatomagmatic fallout conditional probability of minimum load of roof collapse (200 kg/m2). VEI 3 concentrated PDC conditional probability and dynamic overpressure (Pa).
Figure 4 in: Mastrolorenzo, G., & Pappalardo, L. (2010). Hazard assessment of explosive volcanism at Somma‐Vesuvius. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B12).

Vesuvius; Italy (1983)
Hazard map for a Plinian pumice-fall
Figure 12.7 in: Barberi, F., Rosi, M., Santacroce, R., & Sheridan, M.F. (1983). Volcanic hazard zonation: Mt. Vesuvius. In: Tazieff, H. & Sabroux, J.-C. (Eds.) Forecasting Volcanic Events, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 149-161.

Vesuvius; Italy (1983)
Preliminary hazard map for pyroclastic flows
Figure 12.9 in: Barberi, F., Rosi, M., Santacroce, R., & Sheridan, M.F. (1983). Volcanic hazard zonation: Mt. Vesuvius. In: Tazieff, H. & Sabroux, J.-C. (Eds.) Forecasting Volcanic Events, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 149-161.

Vesuvius; Italy (1983)
Preliminary hazard map for pyroclastic surges
Figure 12.8 in: Barberi, F., Rosi, M., Santacroce, R., & Sheridan, M.F. (1983). Volcanic hazard zonation: Mt. Vesuvius. In: Tazieff, H. & Sabroux, J.-C. (Eds.) Forecasting Volcanic Events, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 149-161.

Vesuvius; Italy (1977)
Preliminary hazard map for lava flows and opening of eruptive fractures
Figure 12.3 (in reprint) in: Scandone, R. (1977). Il rischio di colate di lava e implicazioni socio-economiche. Proceedings of the Congress: I Vulcani Attivi dell'Area Napoletana, Naples (23-25 June 1977) (Reprinted in: Barberi, F., Rosi, M., Santacroce, R., & Sheridan, M.F. (1983). Volcanic hazard zonation: Mt. Vesuvius. In: Tazieff, H. & Sabroux, J.-C. (Eds.) Forecasting Volcanic Events, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 149-161.

Vulcano; Italy (2016)
Maps illustrating probabilities of exceeding an accumulation of 300 kg m−2 for the V-LLERS scenario. Probabilistic isomass maps showing the tephra accumulation considering a 50 % probability of occurrence of the hazard for the V-LLERS scenario.
Figure 8 in: Biass, S., Bonadonna, C., Di Traglia, F., Pistolesi, M., Rosi, M., & Lestuzzi, P. (2016). Probabilistic evaluation of the physical impact of future tephra fallout events for the Island of Vulcano, Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(5), 1-22.

Vulcano; Italy (2016)
Probability maps (%) of VBPs exceeding energies of (A) 60 J and (B) 8000 J. Energy maps for probabilities of occurrence within a given pixel of (C) 10% and (D) 90%.
Figure 6 in: Biass, S., Falcone, J. L., Bonadonna, C., Di Traglia, F., Pistolesi, M., Rosi, M., & Lestuzzi, P. (2016). Great Balls of Fire: A probabilistic approach to quantify the hazard related to ballistics—A case study at La Fossa volcano, Vulcano Island, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 325, 1-14.